Vintage Farming Post Cards

By Iron-Men Album Staff
Published on November 1, 1985
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Nichols & Shepard 33-Horse Double Plow engine with gang of eight steam lift plows, breaking thirty acres per day in South Dakota.
Nichols & Shepard 33-Horse Double Plow engine with gang of eight steam lift plows, breaking thirty acres per day in South Dakota.
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Scientific Farming in Texas.
Scientific Farming in Texas.
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''The Type ''F'' and six bottom Engine Gang, stubble plowing twelve to fifteen acres a day.''
''The Type ''F'' and six bottom Engine Gang, stubble plowing twelve to fifteen acres a day.''
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A Pair of Gaar-Scott Tigers with a Big Appetite
A Pair of Gaar-Scott Tigers with a Big Appetite

In the January/February,1985, issue of Iron-Men Album, we showed a number of old postcards issued by engine manufacturers. Here are some more vintage cards showing tractors and other agricultural equipment in the early 1900’s. They are from the collections of Tom Stockton, 1036 Oakland, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104, and Charles Garrett, Jr., 2660 Delaware Drive, Florissant, Missouri 63033.

Some of the messages, from unknown writers, are as interesting as the pictures:

“Here is another machine. This plows 16 acres a day on 6 gal. of oil. That’s going some.” (1911).

“Hi, Everybody. Everything’s just the same.” (1918).

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