6040 Crestview Way Littleton, Colorado 80120.
My name is Stanley M. Beug, I’m 16 years of age, and I’m
an avid steam fan and engineer. I live at 6040 Crestview Way,
Littleton Colo., 80120
I’ve loved steam engines ever since I was very young. I
guess steam gets in your blood, as once you have experienced the
engine under load, and the melodious call of a steam whistle, man,
your hooked!
I’d like to share some of my experiences with steam engines
with you, and tell you of some of the steam engines around the
Denver-Boulder area.
My first encounter with steam began in 1966, when I traveled
with my grandparents to South Dakota to a steam show in Flandreu.
It was with a J. I. Case 50 HP steam traction engine, which
belonged to John P. Kadinger, of Hartford, So. Dak. My grandfather
knows Mr. Kadinger quite well, as at one time they were both
residents of Sioux Falls, So. Dak.
My grandfather, who first introduced me to steam power, is John
Rose, who lives in Longmont, Colo., where he works with the John
Deere Co. Although he never had a steam threshing rig, he is a
qualified steam engineer, as at one time he was a stationary steam
engineer. He taught me the basics of steam engineering; the rest I
learned by experience and from books. also from few older steam
My other grandfather, Alfred Beug of Sturgis, So. Dak. owned a
partnership in a large steam rig with his brother, Eric Beug
(deceased). This rig consisted of a Reeves 32 HP, cross-compound
engine and separator. This rig did a lot of threshing in western
South Dakota.
During the summer of 1968, my grandfather, John Rose, took a job
running a miniature steam train. This was located near the town of
Loveland, which is about 70 miles northwest of Denver. The
locomotive was a 5 inch scale, 2-6-2 ‘Prairie’ type. It ran
on a track gauge of 15 inches, and carried 150 lbs., p.s.i. steam
pressure. It was modeled from a logging locomotive, typical of the
type owned by many lumber companies years ago. It did burn oil for
fuel, but my grandfather converted it to coal. I was the conductor
and fireman. My grandfather was the engineer. I learned quite a bit
about steam as we ran the train that summer and also in 1969, the
last year the park operated.
Ever since 1967, I’ve traveled with my grandparents on their
vacation, to Sioux Falls, and we’ve attended the Madison,
Prairie Village Steam Threshing Jamboree and Antique Festival. Jack
Kadinger, always invites us back to run his engine for him at the
show. He now owns a Russell, 30-90 HP engine. This engine is in
good shape and sure is easy to handle. I’ve enjoyed running
this engine very much. At the Prairie Village show, I’ve had
many opportunities to run different engines.
During the 1971 show, I had the privilege of running an Avery
Undermounted 20 HP engine. It belongs to Mr. Kenneth Harris, of
Rapid City, So. Dak. The engine was built in 1910, is in excellent
condition and is kept well cleaned and polished. I ran the engine
when we threshed, sawed lumber, went in the parade, or just to
‘play around’ with. Incidentally, this engine wasn’t
damaged in the 1972 flood in Rapid City.
Besides attending the 1972 show at Prarie Village, I also
attended the Black Hills Steam & Gas Threshing Bee, held at
Alklai, So. Dak. There I helped Rapheal Beug, a relative, run his
J.I. Case, 25-75 HP engine. I had a lot of fun running this engine
I sure enjoy these two shows very much. Each year I look forward
to each one, as I have acquired a lot of friends at these shows. I
hope to take in more shows this year, if possible.
Traction engines will always be a favorite of mine, but I’m
also a lover of steam locomotives. Probably my favorite is the
Union Pacific 800’s. At one time the railroad owned 45 engines
of this type, now they only have one #844 (# 8444), which is their
last active steam locomotive. It is a 4-8-4 ‘Northern’
type. The engine heads several excursions each year, and it sure is
thrilling to watch it or ride behind it! The Union Pacific at one
time, owned the largest steam locomotives in the world, the
enormous 4000’s, a 4-8-8-4 mallet type. Too bad these engines
aren’t running today!
During the summer of 1972, I worked on a steam, tourist railroad
in Cripple Creek, Colo., a historic gold camp. The ‘Cripple
Creek and Victor,’ is a 2 foot narrow gauge railroad. There are
four locomotives on a line, two 04OT types, (and two mallet types.
We had two trains running, headed up by the two O4O’s. I was
conductor for the railroad, but I also was a fireman at different
times. I hope to work there again this summer.
The Rocky Mountain Steam Club, which is primarily based in the
Denver – Boulder area of Colorado, was first started in 1959 for
the preservation of steam power. I’m currently the secretary of
the club, and I’d like to tell you of some of the equipment
owned by members.
There are several traction engines which include two Avery
Undermounted types, a 20 HP and 22 HP, a Case 30 HP, and a Nichols
& Shepard 25-85 HP There are also a few other traction engines
in this area, a Case 65 HP, an Aultman Taylor, and an old Aultman
‘Star’ engine. Most all these engines are in operating
condition and our club has a few ‘steam-ups’ each year.
There are also several stationary steam engines which include
vertical engines, horizontal mill engines and a uniflow engine. Our
club hopes to build a museum some day to house these engines.
One member in particular, Mr. Ralph ‘Mac’ McCallister,
of Boulder, Colo., is a steam engineer and model builder. He has
built two complete locomotives, in 3 inch scale, using a track
gauge of 14 1/8 inches. One is modeled somewhat after a Burlington
Route, (C.B. & Q. R.R.) 4-4-2, ‘Atlantic’ type. This
locomotive is live-steam, burning coal for fuel. The other
locomotive is a Spokane International, diesel switcher, using a
Ford auto engine for power. Mac is now building his third
locomotive which is modeled after a Denver and Rio Grande Western,
‘3600’ mallet -articulated (class L-132). The boiler has
just recently been put on the under frame, with the tender and
running gear completed. The locomotive has a wheel arrangement of
2-8-8-4, will carry 200 lbs. p.s.i. steam pressure, will have an
automatic stoker, and even air pumps. All in all, this is some
locomotive, especially in 3 inch scale! To my knowledge, it is the
only one of it’s kind in the world. I sure look forward to the
day it runs!
To house these locomotives. Mac has built a six stall roundhouse
and turntable, with a water tank. He also has about a half-mile of
track to run them on. Also, he has a complete steam powered
sawmill, which he used to cut ties for this railroad. This includes
a boiler, drive engine, cut off saw engine, and a two cylinder,
feed engine.
My grandfather and I have helped Mac with his engines quite a
bit and I’ve sure had fun running the boiler and sawmill engine
or running his locomotives.
Probably when I’m my happiest, is when I’m around a
steam engine. If it’s cleaned flues or ashes, oiling around,
firing or running the engine, I enjoy it all! There’s nothing I
like better than running an engine, with the stack barking, and
with the heavy smell of coal smoke and hot valve oil in the air.
Yes, I’ve certainly got the ‘steam bug,’ and I hope to
own a steam engine of my own some day. I just wish I’d been
born about 15 years earlier, ha!
I’m also a collector of some items of the ‘Age of
Steam.’ My collection includes railroad lanterns, oil cans,
locks and keys, etc. 1 also have a steam whistle and a locomotive
I sure like the Iron-Men Album, as there sure are a lot of
interesting articles and pictures in each one, keep up the good
work. I look forward to each issue.
If we are to keep the old steam engines running, we must train
younger engineers, so, when a young person like myself wants to
learn, help him out.
I hope you have enjoyed reading my story, as much as I enjoyed
writing it. In the mean time, keep plenty of water in the glass and
a good head of steam up!