Box 111, Davis Junction, Illinois 61020
North Central Illinois Steam Power Show board of directors and
their families enjoyed a Pre-Christmas dinner and party, Sunday
evening, Dec. 2, at the farm home of Mr. and Mrs. Harm Hayenga at
Kings, III. Forty-one attended the annual event.
The evening dinner of plenty was served at 6:00 p.m., headed by
Floyd King. A large roasted turkey and a large roasted goose
centered the big table of pot-luck food. The turkey was furnished
by Herman Hintzsche of DeKalb, 111., and the Ellis Rees family of
Steward, 111., furnished and prepared the goose.
As in previous years, three Christmas trees were decorated for
the special occasion to cheer everyone present. The men folks
exchanged steam show pictures from one of the trees, while the
ladies exchanged gifts from another tree, and the children from a
tree of their own. The Hayenga’s large basement and the tables
were nicely decorated with holiday colors, which made the occasion
truly a pleasant one.
Emil Svanda was in charge of the program for the evening and the
treats for the children and adults. He was assisted by George W.
Hedtke, president of the steam show. Bags of candy were distributed
to the children and large delicious apples to everyone. Edmund
Schott showed colored slides taken by him and his family through
Colorado and other states last summer while on a two weeks
Emil Svanda showed a 400 foot colored movie of the 1973 show at
Kings, and also slides of the Kings show.
The North Central Illinois Steam Power Show, known as the Kings
Show, is moving to a new site in the Davis Junction area. The 1974
show will be held Aug. 1, 2, 3, and 4, on the 45 acre farm owned by
George W. Hedtke, located 2-? miles east of Davis Junction, 111.,
on Highway 72. The new permanent show grounds is only a short
distance from where Mr. Hedtke staged his first steam threshing
show in 1957, with his first investment, a complete 50 h.p. Case
Threshing Outfit. Hedtke now owns over 200 pieces of old time farm
machinery, among which are several large tractors, steam engines,
threshers, plows, and a complete Horse powered Case threshing
outfit, used annually at the show.