Box 111, Davis Junction, Illinois 61020
Even though showers of rain greatly dampened two days of show
activities out of the four day show at Hedtke’s Hickory-Oaks
Farm last August 4, 5, 6 and 7, the North Central Illinois Steam
Power Show went on just the same. Hundreds of spectators came
nevertheless, many with their umbrellas the first two days, so they
drops, of old time farming methods.
The steam powered sawmill, the shingle mill, horse powered
threshing, fence making by hand, rope making by hand, plus a few
demonstrations indoors were seen daily. Sunday everything was in
full swing, except plowing with the power of steam engines, and
straw baling. Numerous horsedrawn carriages and horsedrawn farm
wagons were busy with their drivers giving rides to the general
public at the farm site. Over 200 pieces of ancient farm machinery,
steam engines, gas tractors, gas engines, and other farm equipment,
including 22 makes of threshing machines were on display and in use
as the weather permitted.
The food people and the handicraft ladies did a tremendous job
of sales in the huge metal building at the show site. The place was
packed, rain or shine. The home talent show arranged by Dawn
Hayenga and her brother, Rodney, of Kings, Illinois, for Saturday
evening, was attended by approximately 250 people, which was held
in the large seating and dining area of the big building at
Hickory-Oaks Farm. The two hour performance of home talent
entertainment, included the young and the old taking part. The free
entertainment included group singing, duets, tap dancing, and
numerous piano and organ numbers, as well as guitar and harmonica
numbers. Other evenings during the show there were free movies and
slides presented by Rhinie Luebbers, a photographer and great
worker at Hickory-Oaks Farm.
Following the home talent show Saturday evening, George W.
Hedtke, president of North Central Illinois Steam Power Show,
announced and introduced Mrs. Herman (Winnie) Baumez of Aurora,
Illinois as the ‘1977 Threshing Bee Queen.’ Winnie who is
active annually at Hickory-Oaks Farm at age 85, received a great
and of applause. She weaves wicker baskets with her husband during
the show.
Following the outdoor church services Sunday morning and the
forenoon activities on August 7, the 1977 show queen rode through
the afternoon parade in a horsedrawn carriage, owned and driven by
Dan Sampson of Earlville, Illinois. The ‘Queen’ held a
lap-bouquet of colored flowers and heads of oat grain, neatly
arranged by the ladies of the hobby show.
The 1978 Show will be held August 3, 4, 5 and 6.