One-Man County Saw Mill Produces 60-70,000 Bd. Ft. Of Lumber Products

By Woodson W. Collins
Published on November 1, 1969
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ONE MAN OPERATION - Seventy-year old David Shearer of York Road demonstrates his agility as he operates his power saw. Some 60,000 to 70,000 board feet lumber is cut annually on the saw.
ONE MAN OPERATION - Seventy-year old David Shearer of York Road demonstrates his agility as he operates his power saw. Some 60,000 to 70,000 board feet lumber is cut annually on the saw.
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STEAM DRIVEN SAW - An 88 year old steam driven saw owned by Dave Shearer is check out by the well known sawmill operator. The saw operated by steam power from a boiler can make 400 RPM. Shearer has rebuilt it from top to bottom.
STEAM DRIVEN SAW - An 88 year old steam driven saw owned by Dave Shearer is check out by the well known sawmill operator. The saw operated by steam power from a boiler can make 400 RPM. Shearer has rebuilt it from top to bottom.

Sentinel Staff Writer

Sixty or more years of contact with the outdoors has caused
70-year-old David P. Shearer of South Middleton Township to become
a seasoned woodsman and sawmill operator.

For 32 Years

Shearer who has operated his one- man mill for the past 32 years

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