Origins of Steampower

By Gerry Lestz
Published on November 1, 1995
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Typical stack and engine house remains in Cornwall, from a National Trust brochure.
Typical stack and engine house remains in Cornwall, from a National Trust brochure.
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A drawing by Henry Beighton 1717, probably of his engine at Oxclosc. From an ASME brochure.
A drawing by Henry Beighton 1717, probably of his engine at Oxclosc. From an ASME brochure.
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Memories of the beginnings of use of steam energy for power are
very much alive in parts of England where early inventors found the
ways to put steam to work.

We visited some of this historic territory a few months ago in
Devon and Cornwall. Among the most impressive of the monuments to
the early days of steam are the remains of old stone stacks and

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