I have been wanting to write to your teen page for quite some
time. I think it is a good idea to get teenagers interested in the
machines of the past. I have helped my Dad restore some of his
steam engines. He has four now and wants to add some more. I get a
lot of enjoyment out of running them and restoring them. Right now
Dakota, but I can’t wait until spring so I can steam up the old
engines again.
In restoring old gas engines, I learned a good trick to remove
pistons that are ‘rusted in. ‘We fill the water jacket with
boiling water to increase the size of the bore. We then spray
liquid L. P. gas inside the piston to chill it so it will contract
some. With this method of expansion and contraction the piston is
easily removed.
I enjoy your magazine a lot but wish it came more often.
Eldon Held, Box 754, Wahpeton, North Dakota
I am nine years old. I have a little tractor that my Grandpa,
George Melby, made for me. I have had it in parades in both Ashby
and Dalton. I won second prize in the show at Dalton. I also have
it at the Lake Region Threshermans Reunion at Dalton, Minnesota. I
am sending you a picture of it to put in the Iron-Men Album. I like
to go to the reunions. My Grandpa has three steam engines, a Gaar
Scott-25 Hp, Advance Rumely 25HP, Advance -12 HP. They are in the
big shed at Dalton. I keep my little tractor at home.
On the picture, the tallest girl is my cousin, Carolyn Brat old.
Her father has a couple steam engines. The smaller girl is my
sister Judy. We had a lot of fun driving around last year with my
tractor. Grandpa made me the trailer for it and we hauled a lot of
things. We also made me a drag and we used it on his garden.
Richard Akerman, R. R. 1, Ashby, Minn.