May 19, 1973
Six Miles North of Dowagiac, Michigan on M-51 Between South
Bend, Indiana and Kalamazoo, Michigan.
AVERY: 40 HP Under Mounted, Double Cylinder, with full extension
wheels. This machine was formerly owned by J. Hington. RUMELY: 40
HP Double Cylinder, with full extension wheels, formerly owned by
18 foot driver wheels, very rare machine. HARRISON JUMBO: 20 HP
1931 Single Cylinder side rev. mount, serial number 2341. This
machine has been used very little and is like new, one of best
built in the United States. BAKER: 19 HP Single Cylinder, side
mount. All new flues in 1970, serial number 17782. KECK-GONNERMAN:
19 HP Single Cylinder, side mount forward. ADVANCE RUMELY: 26 HP
Single Cylinder, compound forward mount.
PORT HURON: 32 HP Single Cylinder compound, side mount, forward.
M. RUMELY: 20 HP Single Cylinder, rear mount. NICHOLS SHEPARD: 25
HP 1912 Double Cylinder, plow engine. FRICK: 16 HP 1915, Single
Cylinder, rear center mount. PEERLESS – GEISER: 14 HP 1911, Single
Cylinder, rear side mount, serial number 14774. NICHOLS-SHEPARD: 20
HP Single Cylinder, side-rear reverse mount. HUBER: 16 HP 1914,
Single Cylinder, side-reverse mount. BUFFALO PITTS: 20 HP Single
Cylinder, rear-reverse mount. GARR SCOTT: 20 HP Single Cylinder,
rear-reverse mount, serial number 12242. PEERLESS – EMERSON –
BRANTINGHAM: 17 HP, Single Cylinder, rear-side mount, serial number
18154. NICHOLS – SHEPARD: 16 HP Double Cylinder Center, reverse
mount. MINNEAPOLIS: 18 HP Single Cylinder, front-side mount. WOODS
BROS: 20 HP engine, boiler, and frame only. Single Cylinder,
rear-side mount.
NOTE: This is one of the Finest Collections you will ever
RESTORED: Allis Chalmers Model 20-35; Plowman 15-30; Moline 4
Cylinder with Mower; 2 Massey Harris 4-W.D.; Caterpillar 60;
Hart-Parr 12-24; Oil Pull s-30-60; Oil Pull x-25-40; Oil Pull
m-20-35; Oil Pull k-12-20.
UNRESTORED-COMPLETE: Case Model CC serial number C337802;
Fordson Steel Wheels; Rumely 6, serial number 6A-909; Massey Harris
Trycycle, serial number 11596; Allis-Chalmers 20-35; Several
Farmalls and McCormick Deerings.
ROUGH AND INCOMPLETE: John Deere GP, serial number 221070;
Fordson very early with steel wheels; Rumely Do-All, serial number
LD-601; Minneapolis 35-70, serial number 1637; Avery 12-20, serial
number 22859.
STATIONARY ENGINES: Ottawa 5 HP, serial number TE-27323; New
Holland 5 HP, serial number 352; Economy 2 HP, serial number 26692;
McCormick 1 HP, serial number W-74567; McCormick 7 HP, serial
number 228025; Lawson 2 HP, serial number 80679; Majestic 2 HP,
serial number ; Mogul 1 HP, serial number W18583; John Deere 1 HP,
serial number E-103RD; Syntron Jack Hammer, serial number K6PB215;
Fairmont Hand Car 4 HP, serial number 33381; Gibson 1 3/4 HP,
serial number 19474; Sears T/2 HP, serial number El 14647; Monarch
1 3/4 HP, serial number 8016; Economy 2 HP, serial number 354676;
Mogul 1 HP, serial number W-8564; Empire 2 HP, serial number 8661;
Alams 2 HP, serial number C-112161; Gray 1 HP, serial number;
Ottawa HP, serial number TE669; Fairbanks Morse 3
HP, serial number 459697; Weil 1 HP, serial number 96533;
McCormick Reering 3 HP, serial number 5531; Fairmont 4 HP, serial
number 35737; Nove T/2 HP, High Speed; Novo HP, serial number
2S-107-A; Ideal 10 HP, serial number 19194; New-Way 5 HP, serial
number 6782; Fuller Johnson 3 HP, serial number 87253; United 4 HP,
serial number 40107; Jaeger 4 HP, serial number 323322; Hercules 5
HP, serial number 122660; Sattley 5 HP, serial number 21721;
Columbus 7 HP, serial number 5121; Novo 4 HP, serial number
V-2213; McCormick 6 HP, serial number W-4886; Champman 5 HP, serial
number; there are several other items such as a Saw Mill, 8 Bottom
John Deere Self Lift Plow, large Steam Pumps, Steam Generator for
Steam Engine Light, Frame and Wheels for Nash Yard Truck.
OWNERS NOTE: I am selling my collection of Traction Steam
Engines, Stationary Engines and Duplicate Gas Tractors because of a
lack of inside storage. I plan on devoting my time and storage
space to enlarging my collection of Gas Tractors and Motor Trucks.
I am now offering cash for Tractors or Motor Trucks manufacturing
prior to 1930 if they fit in my collection.
Inspection: Morning of Sale. For crowd control a gate fee will
be charged.