6445 Newberry Road, Du-rand, Michigan 48429
My threshing outfit which I spent five years of my spare time
building. It is the popular 1/4 scale Case 65 engine and Port Huron
thresher. The water wagon is made of material found in junk piles
and the separator was bought about third-handed. The separator was
built several years ago and had to have extensive rebuilding but it
I bought the engine castings from Alexander Enterprises and all
the rest I built with the help of my wife, when I needed four
I have been fascinated by steam engines ever since I was a kid
watching the old popcorn wagon engines. At about 15 years old, I
built my first engine from a brass tire pump and some sewing
machine parts. I have built two stationary engines like in the
popcorn wagons. They run very well.
I have taken the ALBUM a few years now and will read most of it
at one sitting. The day it comes, as it is hard to put it down
until read.