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Here is a picture of an 8 ton steam roller made by T Green & Sons, Leeds & London, England. This is a single cylinder roller with center crank engine and is in very good order. This engine has a very loud 'bark' Green's made steam rollers for ov
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The lighter engines such as this one are known as tractors. This is by Ruston Proctor of Lincoln. The number is 52385. Shown here also is a bale press and the drivers living van.
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E. S. Knapp on my 30-60 Model E Rumely Oil Pull, No. 2372, which was new in 1923, pulling 10 14' plows in hard soil.
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This Baker 19-65 is owned by C. Gerber, Orrville, Ohio and is hauling manure and wood at my farm. After the 4th of July parade in Orriville we decided that we never saw any pictures of steam engines hauling manure. We decided the good old days are still w
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Here is a picture of my model steam engine which I built in 1955. It isn't patterned after any special make. I just made it from my own memory. It does everything the big engines do. It is 36 inches long and 14 inches wide. I run it on compressed air in m
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Nonsense: Mrs. Roland Hartman with her jug of Corn Squeezens and Ralph Hull with his Dead Eye Revenueer Squirrel Rifle pose on the Cow Catcher of Monroe Swartz's Road Locomotive during a rest period at the Mason-Dixon show.
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Harold Pettit and his 'O' gauge Hudson. The man in the glasses is a Flint Journal reporter, who gave our convention several good write-ups.
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My model threshing out fit that I built. The engine is a 2 in. scale Russell and the separator is a 2 in. scale Baker.
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Herman Colkentines' outfit taken at Edd Kolhus in 1915. It is a 15 HP Engine whole Case outfit.
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Here is a picture of our engine at work.
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Here is a picture of the 18 Horse Buffalo Pitts owned by Mr. French of Midway, Washington. This is one of the finest engines I ever saw in my life. It looks like a new engine. I plan on having this engine and a 1918 Waterloo Bay tractor at the Western Was
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Threshing for real in Yakima Valley the first week in September, 1963. This is the only custom rig left in the valley and is owned by Mr. Stokes of Ellensburg, Washington. This picture was taken by Mr.Stompfly of Ellensburg, who is a fine steam reunion ma
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Threshing oats on my farm at Willseyville, New York in 1962 with a Buffalo Springfield 10 ton roller for power and a 22 x 36 Case Thresher.
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Here is a picture of a Traction Engine by J. & H. McLaren of Leeds, No. 714, photographed in 1945. It is still used for threshing, being hired out with its tackle by the owner, Jack Blake of Dallinghoo, near Woodbridge, Suffolk, England. It is a single c
J. & H. McLaren
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Here is a picture of a set of Compound Ploughing Engines by John Fowler of Leeds. The owner is John Patten of the Steam Plough Works, Bishops Stortford, Herts. These engines weigh 18 tons apiece and are still in use as are several other sets owned by the
John Fowler of Leeds
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