Courtesy of Elmer F. Allshouse, R. D. 6, Greensburg,
Pennsylvania 15601 This is a picture of the last steam engine I
have built. I finished it last year. I built both boiler and
engine, also the crankshaft. The boiler is 16′ diameter by
8′ long and is 3/8 material tested to 300 lbs. cold water
pressure and carries 100 lbs. steam. The engine bore is 3 3/16 x 4
pressed together, welded and machined. The chrome differential rear
axles are. from a 1948 GMC truck. The rear wheels are from a
McCormick Deering tractor. The front wheels are from a manure
spreader I have. A 4-speed transmission from a Chevrolet truck
which gives me 4 speeds forward and 4 speeds in reverse. It has
lots of power. It has a Wolf reverse. The outfit weighs 3 tons
On a clear day the Rock of Gibraltar can be seen across the
straits. Each day thousands of Spaniards cross the neck to work in
Gibraltar. The. people in Gibraltar will tell you quick that you
are in England when you are in Gibraltar.
Gibraltar is like a large army post and the shopping district
has narrow streets (only one).