By Staff
Published on July 1, 1970
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Aultman-Taylor at Bill Mayberry's show in 1969. They pulled eight plows with this one.
Aultman-Taylor at Bill Mayberry's show in 1969. They pulled eight plows with this one.
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Courtesy of Lawrence E. Porter, Route 6, Box 174, Rushville, Indiana 46173.
Courtesy of Lawrence E. Porter, Route 6, Box 174, Rushville, Indiana 46173.
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A close-up view of the little clown cranking the peanut glass tumbler on the Creators popcorn and peanut wagon.
A close-up view of the little clown cranking the peanut glass tumbler on the Creators popcorn and peanut wagon.
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Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Cambell with their Frick steam engine they bought from Earl Rank, Sr. of Mt. Holly, Pennsylvania.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl S. Cambell with their Frick steam engine they bought from Earl Rank, Sr. of Mt. Holly, Pennsylvania.
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Courtesy of Claude Abbert, 1961 West Side Drive, Rochester, New York 14624
Courtesy of Claude Abbert, 1961 West Side Drive, Rochester, New York 14624
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Courtesy of Florence E. Campbell, R. D. 1, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933.
Courtesy of Florence E. Campbell, R. D. 1, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933.
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Courtesy of George I. Kuhns, R. D. 2, Lisbon, Ohio 44432.
Courtesy of George I. Kuhns, R. D. 2, Lisbon, Ohio 44432.
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Courtesy of Florence E. Campbell, R. D. 1, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933.
Courtesy of Florence E. Campbell, R. D. 1, Mansfield, Pennsylvania 16933.
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Courtesy of R. S. Heaven, 860 LeMay, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197.
Courtesy of R. S. Heaven, 860 LeMay, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197.

Just finished threshing fifteen acres of wheat July 1968.
Charlie Barker and Lawrence Porter standing on back of Russell
engine, 20 hp. No. 16690 and Russell 33-54 Separator of year

A three inch scale model Case steam tractor I built as time and
money permitted between the years 1960 to 1968.

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