Just finished threshing fifteen acres of wheat July 1968.
Charlie Barker and Lawrence Porter standing on back of Russell
engine, 20 hp. No. 16690 and Russell 33-54 Separator of year
A three inch scale model Case steam tractor I built as time and
money permitted between the years 1960 to 1968.
I bought most of the castings from C. E. Jack Kauer of Wichita,
Kansas. As Jack is an expert machinist, he did much of the
important machining for me and was helpful in every way in building
this model. I got some of the castings that Mr. Kauer did not have,
from Phillip’s Model Shop, presently Alexander Enterprises of
Kansas City. I also bought some boiler fittings from Charles Cole
of Ventura, California. These model firms all carry a good product
and are fair in every way.
John Pino and Carl Campbell making shingles at the Old Stumpers
Jumpers Show at Mansfield, Pennsylvania, at John Pino’s farm in
October 1969.
Making apple butter with steam. The women are: Mrs. Kenneth
Butler of Riverton, Connecticut, Mrs. Costly of South Fork, Pa.,
Mrs. John Pino, Covington, Pa., and Mrs. Carl Campbell of
Mansfield. The others are watching the process.
Pictured is a stump pulling machine, probably before the turn of
the century. It was taken near Stanton, Michigan. They had to clear
the land and make it fit to plant the wheat to harvest to
The scene was in Montcalm County of Michigan several years after
the big white pines had been logged off. They took these stumps and
built fences of them and there are still quite a number of them
being used today.
You might say this is a four horsepower and the transmission is
the cables in those blocks and the drawbar is holding the
I never saw one of these machines work but as a small boy, we
used to go to Stanton to visit. I have seen them setting around and
A fine photo taken about 1925. The barn in the background was on
my Father’s farm at Lisbon, Ohio J. D. Kuhns. The barn was full
to the roof with wheat and oats. We had just emptied it. I am
standing beside the Russell compound with -the shovel. Brother Roy
is beside the tongue and Billy Garwood is on the tank. The man next
to the neighbor with the fork, is my father. The little fellow with
the fork is my son, Austin. The next season we had new bunkers put
on the engine and got a Russell separator with a blower.