Post Card

By Staff
Published on May 1, 1964
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Here is our Robert Bell Steam Engine. My brother, Dave Shamblaw, is standing at the left rear wheel of the engine. This was our last custom job of threshing for the season. This engine was built by the Robert Bell Threshing Machine Company, Seaforth, Onta
Here is our Robert Bell Steam Engine. My brother, Dave Shamblaw, is standing at the left rear wheel of the engine. This was our last custom job of threshing for the season. This engine was built by the Robert Bell Threshing Machine Company, Seaforth, Onta
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Here is a picture of Frank Ott's 10 hp engine at Miller's picnic in 1957. At the left is a partially restored sash up and down sawmill where a log is used as a shaft to support overshot, water wheel and crank casting. Last known installation was in 1865.
Here is a picture of Frank Ott's 10 hp engine at Miller's picnic in 1957. At the left is a partially restored sash up and down sawmill where a log is used as a shaft to support overshot, water wheel and crank casting. Last known installation was in 1865.
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This picture of the 10 hp Stillwater was taken at the F. B. C. sale on October 26, 1962.
This picture of the 10 hp Stillwater was taken at the F. B. C. sale on October 26, 1962.
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Here is a picture of my Case 65 that I take to Charlton Park near Hastings.
Here is a picture of my Case 65 that I take to Charlton Park near Hastings.
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Here is a picture of a rather large firebox boiler that we are preparing to water test. My father, J. F. McGukin, is considering running both the sawmill and a planer with this boiler, using two stationary engines and 100 lbs. pressure.
Here is a picture of a rather large firebox boiler that we are preparing to water test. My father, J. F. McGukin, is considering running both the sawmill and a planer with this boiler, using two stationary engines and 100 lbs. pressure.
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On July 4th, 1963, there was a field Threshing Bee at the H. K. Petterson Farm, attended by folks from far and near interested in how threshing was done in the good old days. It was a beautiful summer day and enjoyed by all. The engine 'My Lady'
On July 4th, 1963, there was a field Threshing Bee at the H. K. Petterson Farm, attended by folks from far and near interested in how threshing was done in the good old days. It was a beautiful summer day and enjoyed by all. The engine 'My Lady'
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Here is a picture of my 18 hp Avery engine that I have had about 9 years. We had 280 pounds of cold water test on it.
Here is a picture of my 18 hp Avery engine that I have had about 9 years. We had 280 pounds of cold water test on it.
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Bunker Steam Coal Crane working at Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
Bunker Steam Coal Crane working at Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
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Here is a picture of me aboard my 1914 Harley-D. It served my wife and I as a family car in 1918. This picture was taken just before I left for work as night power house operator at Chipley Florida in 1917.
Here is a picture of me aboard my 1914 Harley-D. It served my wife and I as a family car in 1918. This picture was taken just before I left for work as night power house operator at Chipley Florida in 1917.
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Mr. Thompson standing beside his 20-70 Nichols & Shepard Steamer taking in the Malley Show at Dalton, Minnesota.
Mr. Thompson standing beside his 20-70 Nichols & Shepard Steamer taking in the Malley Show at Dalton, Minnesota.
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C. L. Yarbrough standing beside his Aultman & Taylor Straw burner. This picture was taken about 1930.
C. L. Yarbrough standing beside his Aultman & Taylor Straw burner. This picture was taken about 1930.
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A Minneapolis 2 smoke stack steam threshing engine. It is 20-25 hp, dated 1904.
A Minneapolis 2 smoke stack steam threshing engine. It is 20-25 hp, dated 1904.
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65 hp Case in Trempealeau County, Wisconsin in 1929.
65 hp Case in Trempealeau County, Wisconsin in 1929.
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Bunker Steam Coal Crane.
Bunker Steam Coal Crane.
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Mr. C. L. Yarbrough working at his sawmill sometime in the 20's.
Mr. C. L. Yarbrough working at his sawmill sometime in the 20's.
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21 hp Advance Tandem Compound on Baker fan at Bird City. S. V. Bruebaker at the shovel. Taken September 1962.
21 hp Advance Tandem Compound on Baker fan at Bird City. S. V. Bruebaker at the shovel. Taken September 1962.
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Here is a picture of 1880 Westinghouse with Wm. Van Atta as engineer and George Van Atta as firemen.
Here is a picture of 1880 Westinghouse with Wm. Van Atta as engineer and George Van Atta as firemen.

Under steam for the first time in years is this Frick engine,
owned by Mr. Robert Marshall (left) of East Bloomfield, N.Y. On the
platform are Messrs. Harold Snyder of Canandaigua and Luzerne Ball
of Auburn. Mr. Snyder did the lion’s share of the restoration,
and Mr. Ball, who owns a woodworking shop, made the top for this
and other engines owned by members of the NYSEA. Mr. Marshall

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