Under steam for the first time in years is this Frick engine,
owned by Mr. Robert Marshall (left) of East Bloomfield, N.Y. On the
platform are Messrs. Harold Snyder of Canandaigua and Luzerne Ball
of Auburn. Mr. Snyder did the lion’s share of the restoration,
and Mr. Ball, who owns a woodworking shop, made the top for this
and other engines owned by members of the NYSEA. Mr. Marshall
most magnanimous in permitting other (competent persons, of course)
to operate them. Contributed by – Claude Abbert, 1961 West Side
Drive, Rochester 24, New York.
We have restored this engine in the past few years to its
present condition. Dave and I own this engine and between us we
both get a lot of fun out of operating it. We had a lot of people
come to see it working when threshing this job. We were threshing
for Mr. Clair Patterson, R.R. 2, Kerwood, Ontario, Canada.
This picture was taken at Mt. Pleasant while we were doing a
little ‘double heading.’ The Huber is a 30 hp double
cylinder contractors engine with power guide. This feature made it
necessary to have the engine turning when we were pulling it in
order to operate the power guide. It is owned by Neal McClure who
was guiding it when (his picture was taken. Carl Mowary is the
owner and operator of the 30-60 Aultman-Taylor. ‘Dutch’
Robinett and Charlie Dennewitz are running my engine. The ground
was soft and it made a fair pull for the tractor and the steamer.
Occasionally Neal would reverse the Huber, causing it to run under
compression which added to the fun.