Here is a picture of the half-size steam traction that I built.
I purchased the cylinder assembly which has a 4′ bore and
4′ stroke. The flywheel crank disc. reverse gear and brackets
have been cast from wood patterns which were made to dimensions to
fit with the size of the cylinder assembly, The flywheel is 17′
dia. and 5′ wide, crank disc is 8′ dia. x 1′ with a
resemble a 15′ dia. boiler to which the engine frame mounting
brackets fit perfectly with the hope that I find someone that can
furnish or sell me a 14′ or 15′ dia. horizontal boiler.
I am quite proud of this engine, possibly because I have
designed and built a lot of it, looking at the picture it is
difficult to determine the size. I should have put a yardstick in
the picture with the engine for a comparison. I call this THE ROGGE
ENGINE. Suppose you can guess where I got that name.
This picture was taken in front of our house at the Annual
Pioneer Automobile Assoc. Meeting held at our home. It is held
every year on the third Sunday in October. We also have a Port
Huron 19 HP which was used that day hauling a trailer with children
as passengers.
This picture was taken in Russia in 1913. The tractor is a Case
2040, two cylinder with 9′ bore by 10′ stroke operated at
450 rpm. The plow is a 5 bottom John Deere Engine Gang. In our
opinion, it was the best plow available to us at that time. The
photograph also gives you some of the appearance of the Russian
Steppes as well as the people who live there. This photo graph was
taken at what was the Western Asiatic frontier in the prairie lying
between the Volga and Ural Rivers north of the Caspian Sea. The
tractor was operated on what was known as ‘White Naptha’
which came from the Sorokahn Oil Fields in the Baku area and was
burned just as it came from the ground. Its distillate
characteristics were comparable to No. 1 fuel oil but must have had
an excellent octane rating as it could be used in this tractor
without any auxiliary water injector through the carburetor.