I have several steam engines, boilers, etc. including the
beautiful engine Mr. Flint from Marienville, Pa. (one-armed
lumberman) had – a 2 inch Case traction engine, 31′ long 4-6-2
line steam railroad locomotive – a pre 1900 car engine with a
friction drive, etc. As we will be doing lots of traveling and
buying, I don’t know if I can bring any over this year. I want
to the Meets, but haven’t got time to get ready for this year.
I got an 18′ x 30′ boiler from a pants pressing outfit in a
cleaners shop that is made from ‘ plate that should last for
years on these small engines. I also have a nice collection of
whistles, checks, blow offs, oilers and 50 or 60 pounds of
stainless valves and fittings up to inch.
I am kind of anxious to get to the meet as after getting the
Album for some time, you almost know all the family. I had a couple
visitors from Millersville the other day and they were fine