This engine was used for threshing, shredding, sawing, raising
barn frames –it was really a good one from 1895 to 1910. It was
used on an Advance 40′ cylinder thresher hand-fed and web
stacker, a Rumely. Ideal separator with Parsons feeder and Sattley
36 x 60 Stacker, then a Reeves Compound Separator 36 x 60 with Ruth
feeder and blower. This separator had a large capacity and really
not many rigs at that time. He had two runs of shock threshing and
then a lot of stack threshing. He finished about the first of
October, then the engine was used on a corn shredder and for sawing
In 1911 he traded it in on a Reeves 20 hp double simple engine
that he used on his old Reeves separator and later on a Minneapolis
36 x 60 separator. This engine is shown in the picture where it is
pulling a 6 bottom John Deere plow on his farm south of Cedar
Rapids which is now the Municipal Airport. In 1921 he traded his
whole steam outfit on a Rumely 10-20 Oil-Pull tractor that he used
on a 27′ Aultman-Taylor thresher. That was too big a load on
the Rumely, so he traded that in on a Hart-Parr 15-30 tractor and
used it until he retired in 1927 – 32 years of threshing.
6 hp Russell steam traction engine pulling an 18′ case
separator heading a street parade of 35 antique automobiles at the
Annual May Festival sponsored by the local Post of the American
Legion at Garfield, Washington, on May 28, 1960. The engine on an 8
hp boiler was assembled by Del Harlan and parts made at his machine
shop in Garfield. At the controls are G. M. Kriebel and Alvin
Churchill. Mr. Harlan is driving a steam automobile made by him,
further back in the parade line (not shown in the picture). The
majority of the old cars are owned by members of the Hassie
Historical Auto Society of Spokane and Inland Empire, who drove to
Garfield for the Festival. Mr. Bockmier, also a member of the
Western Steam Fiends Association, drove his 1917
Ford touring car in the parade near the rear line of the old
cars. Mr. Harlan also owns a 20 hp Aultman Taylor and a 20 hp Case
engine. He is a member of the Western Steam Fiends Association and
a subscriber of the Album.