Lawrence Walker, of 100 South Bazelton St., Mt. Pleasant, Iowa
is an avid antique collector. He travels far and wide in his search
for new items and as Lawrence tells the story. ‘I was over
across the river (Mississippi) near Nauvoo, III., and in an old
orchard I found this copper peach brandy still in the cellar of an
old house. I started to dig it out but soon realized I needed more
loaded the still in my truck. I spent many hours in my shop putting
a polish on the hammered copper plates and coil from which the old
still is made. I was told that many years ago it was used to make
peach brandy but I have something else that I think is just as much
of an antique!! Have you seen my windmill? It is up at the North
End of the Fairground and did I have a time finding it! I made
several trips trying to locate the mill and at last found it in a
corn field (I have seen corn 14 feet tall that was grown in an Iowa
corn patch) so finding this mill was no mean trick. We set it up
just in time for the Mt. Pleasant Show. (How about the
possibilities’ of a windmill and a brandy still?????) – Harry