6405 US 50, Hillsboro, Ohio 45133
My Turner Economy Trailer Thresher is hitched to Russell
Sam’s 8 HP model Geiser steam engine threshing wheat at our
annual Ohio Valley Antique Machinery Show at Georgetown, Ohio. I am
feeding the machine and Russell is running the engine. As far as I
have been able to learn, most Turner machines were powered with a
was done from shock to shock. The bands must be cut and hand fed
and the grain is caught in a half bushel. The platform is hinged so
that the drive belt is tightened when the operator stands on it and
loosens when he gets off. The engine is mounted on the platform at
the operator’s right. However, my machine has never had an
engine as I know its history. It was bought by a family near
Cincinnati to use on a small hilly farm and I am the third owner.
It was manufactured by the Turner Manufacturing Company,
Statesville, North Carolina.
In all my years as an International and New Holland dealer, I
have never seen another Turner Thresher, although we have traded in
other of their machines. Would certainly like to correspond with
any of the old Turner personnel or other owners of Turner
Threshers. And ‘Old Steam Buddy’ tells me he once saw one
of the machines equipped with an old style Wisconsin engine
displayed at the Ohio State Fair.
I enjoy very much each issue of the magazine and reading the