54 Taylor Street, Frankfort, Indiana 46041
Over a span of years I was employed and connected to one D. A.
Coulter Estate and heirs, namely Maude C. Cullom and Paul C. Cullom
– both deceased. The duties which were performed required extensive
travel. On two occasions, my travels took me near a Mr. Ed
Peacock’s place at Fulton, Missouri. He owned 32 HP simple
now and the present owner.
Another engine in focus is Reeves high wheel #7860 pictured on
page 31 of March-April I. M. A. I have Reeves Parts Book #133 date
May 1917 which states 16 HP high wheel began with #7894 and 20 HP
high wheel began with #7891. There has been almost too much
speculation when it comes to ‘stories’ of a given engine. I
wrote Mr. Shellman about engine #7860,. He did not answer me.
Reeves data is hard come by at best. Engine #7860 may be the
correct number or may not. The Canadian registry would determine
Another point in focus, is the belief that Reeves E-B built the
large Canadian Type engines up until the last. Not so, according to
their own printed material, dated May 1918. The larger engines were
built in U. S. Style only after that date.
My Uncle Fred Eggleston of Roundup, Montana was said to have
bought the last 40 HP CC built and it was in the very early
8000’s. This shows the production of Reeves engines was at a
very slow pace. If #7904 was 1916 and #8091 was 1918, give or take
a couple of months, you are left with some 45 engines per year.
Reeves 32 HP simple was the latest 32 HP I have ever seen – #8091.
And virtually all people who owned or operated Reeves engines
preferred the 32 HP simple to the 40 HP CC. My Uncle Fred once
said: ‘Of the three Reeves we have, none of them ever had a
drive belt on.’ Of corse, in windy country, as he was in, I
fully understand the problem of Reeves design. They used them for
hauling and plowing and certainly paid for themselves at this