8237 Russell Ave. S.. Minneapolis, Minn. 55431
In the mid-west area many people have lots of fun in the summer
time attending the old time ‘Threshing Bees’ like the one
my family is involved with at Rollag, Minnesota, a small town 30
miles south-east of Moorhead, Minnesota.
The Western Minnesota Steam Threshers Reunion (WMSTR) is a fine
Minnesota for 4 days every Labor Day weekend. The association owns
80 acres of land, partly covered with beautiful oak trees which
provide shade for the buildings, and the many activities which are
going on all day long.
An authentic blacksmith shop has been built by my husband, Ed,
and his friends. It houses perhaps the largest collection of
blacksmithing tools and equipment to be found anywhere. Everything
is fully operating and it’s quite a sight to see all those
belts and pulleys being driven by the steam engine. Each day during
the show a wheel-wrighting demonstration is held in front of the
shop, and normally 3 or 4 wheels are constructed during the 4 day
Many steam engines, antique automobiles, gas engines,
agricultural equipment and antiques are on display and twice daily
there’s a parade of the machinery around the grounds. It’s
a wonderful experience to see and hear the ‘old giants’
chugging along once again.
Each day the grain is threshed just as it was in the old days,
and afterwards the children have a great time jumping into the big
straw piles.
For the ladies we have spinning demonstrations, soap, candle and
cider making, and a quilt you can sit and sew at, while you visit
with friends and rest your feet at the same time.
Come early and stay late! The Ladies Aides from the various
churches in the area put on some fine meals, beginning with a
‘Threshermen’s breakfast’ at 6 o’clock in the
morning. In the evenings you will be entertained by members and
friends with their fiddles, harmonicas, banjos and guitars.
I hope many of you will try to come and see the show at Rollag
this Labor Day weekend, and if you do – be sure and say
‘hello’ to Ed at the blacksmith shop, and myself at the
spinning wheel.