Seventeenth Annual Reunion of Tri State Historical Steam Engine Assn.

By Paul F. Crow
Published on March 1, 1974
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Larry Whaley and Christopher Whaley, grandson and great-grandson of Paul Crow on the 1/4 scale Case model of Tom Hatcher & Sons. [Note Christopher's steam engine badge and cap. He was 7-1/2 months old at the time.] Larry and Christopher are from Indianapo
Larry Whaley and Christopher Whaley, grandson and great-grandson of Paul Crow on the 1/4 scale Case model of Tom Hatcher & Sons. [Note Christopher's steam engine badge and cap. He was 7-1/2 months old at the time.] Larry and Christopher are from Indianapo
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We featured the memory of J. I. Case, builder of a large part of all engines and threshers, etc. in the United States, at our show this past year, at the Hooks town Fair Grounds. Pictured here are what we had - 1. to r.: 110 Case, scale Case Model, Scal
We featured the memory of J. I. Case, builder of a large part of all engines and threshers, etc. in the United States, at our show this past year, at the Hooks town Fair Grounds. Pictured here are what we had - 1. to r.: 110 Case, scale Case Model, Scal
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Three men with their engines who were instrumental in starting Tri-State Historical Steam Engine Association 17 years ago. All are still active members. L. to r.: Dean Fullerton, 80 years of age and his D. C. Frick engine; Paul Crow, age unknown and his 5
Three men with their engines who were instrumental in starting Tri-State Historical Steam Engine Association 17 years ago. All are still active members. L. to r.: Dean Fullerton, 80 years of age and his D. C. Frick engine; Paul Crow, age unknown and his 5
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Paul Crow's 50 Case belted to Case Baler. Tom Hatcher & Sons Case Models - scale, scale and the 1'' scale. Courtesy of Paul Crow, Charleroi, Pennsylvania 15022
Paul Crow's 50 Case belted to Case Baler. Tom Hatcher & Sons Case Models - scale, scale and the 1'' scale. Courtesy of Paul Crow, Charleroi, Pennsylvania 15022

Between five and six thousand loyal supporters of antique farm
steam and gas power made their way to Hookstown Fair Grounds on
September 21 and 22. There they witnessed another successful
exhibition of power machines that were in regular use of the farm
of fifty years and more ago. Two days of ideal fall weather and
ideal surroundings made this event one of our best efforts.

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