Between five and six thousand loyal supporters of antique farm
steam and gas power made their way to Hookstown Fair Grounds on
September 21 and 22. There they witnessed another successful
exhibition of power machines that were in regular use of the farm
of fifty years and more ago. Two days of ideal fall weather and
ideal surroundings made this event one of our best efforts.
The usual array of traction engines, gas tractors, threshers,
balers, sawmill, shingle mill, Burr stone grinder, and gas engines
were there and all went through their part in demonstrations. As in
the past, some form of activity was being shown throughout the two
days, all on schedule. We have been complimented numerous times on
this idea of presenting a show. The manager and announcer, Nello
Mungai, had everything planned well ahead and kept things moving
Daily operations consisted of threshing and baling, fan
demonstrations by the 110 Case, sawing logs, shingle making, flour
and corn-meal grinding, and steam models and gas engines. The
Hatcher Case Models always add to the interest, in addition to
several antique automobiles and trucks. The whole-wheat flour and
cornmeal was sold as fast as it could be handled, and we had fresh
cider made right on the grounds and sold.
Two daily parades of all engines, tractors, horses and
automobiles remain to be one of the most popular attractions for
us. Featured this year in the parades were all the Case engines on
the grounds being grouped together, four generations of one family
appearing on one of the Case engines, and three engines running
abreast, owned and operated by three still active members who were
instrumental in having started the Association some 17 years
For the threshing and baling, naturally our best attraction, we
had the finest binder-cut wheat and oats we have seen in a long
time. It had never gotten wet from the time it was cut and was
supplied by Rambo Brothers.
J. L. Cotter showed his ever-popular display of operating
stationary engines and the small gas engine department gets better
with each year.
Lest we forget the women, they were on hand, in charge of
another successful bazaar. They handled our subscriptions to
magazines, memberships in the Association, and other important
tasks. The gate and parking duties were in charge of Hooks town
Volunteer Fire Department, and they turned in another fine job.
Bill Burris’ Green Valley Band continues to give us two fine
performances on Saturday noon and evening and plays for the large
square dance which adds the final touch to the show.
We initiated a new feature, which we hope to continue during
each reunion. This year, we honored the memory of Jerome Increase
Case (1819-1891) as the builder of approximately one-third of all
the steam engines-farm engines, that is in the United States, and
who was the undisputed leader in the threshing machine trade. At
our show, we were proud to present one 110, two 50 Horse Power Case
traction engines, one 17 x 22 Case Baler, and the superb ? scale
and ? scale Case Models built by Tom Hatcher and Sons. We hope to
so honor other makers of similar machinery each succeeding year.
Plans have already been laid for a similar event to be held in
1974. The officers are grateful for the continued support we are
receiving from the public. Officers of the Association are: Lester
Lee, President; Craig Kern, Vice-President; Evelyn Crow, Treasurer
and Paul Crow, Secretary. Directors are: Clark Colby, William
Mungai, David McDonald, Glenn Fullerton, Charles Seeley, Willis
Abel, Earl Hamilton, Tracy Lewton and Nello Mungai.