THE OLD STEAM AND GAS CLUB of New Concord, Ohio held its fifth
annual reunion at Bloomfield Grove on Thursday, Friday and
Saturday, July 29-30-31, 1965. The weather man smiled and ideal
weather prevailed during the three days of the show.
In writing a reunion report, it is common practice to give
credit to those who exhibit steam engines and other machinery. It
the cooperation of the owners of machinery. At the same time there
are others whose praises unfortunately often go unsung. There are
many good people who devote time and labor not only in preparation
for these shows but without whose assistance successful reunions
would be impossible. All too often these are the forgotten people.
It is part of our purpose in this report, therefore, to give credit
and due praise to these devoted people. At least, as far as our
reunion was concerned, special mention and credit must be given to
certain individuals who perhaps typify many others.
Mrs. Clayton Hammonds assumed the responsibility for the
management of the refreshment stand. This is an important adjunct
to any show; she, with her helpers did a superb job in meeting the
physical needs of those in attendance.
One of the most important, yet routine and undramatic is that of
taking care of admissions. It is obvious that the continuance of
these events depends upon financial support. Frank Carruthers has
rendered splendid service over the years in the discharge of this
mundane responsibility. He was assisted this year by Billie
Dickson, George Hanes, Edgar Sims, C. A. Berkheimer and Bob
Credit for the successful tractor pull must be given in large
part to George Richey, who secured the necessary equipment and help
to insure its success. Some thirty tractors participated in this
event. The pony pull was handled by Don Davis and to him also must
go in large part the credit for its success. Thirty-three teams
participated in this event.
One other person should be mentioned. Clayton Hammonds probably
devoted more time and labor before, during and after the show than
did any other member of the club. Our hats are off to all of the
people who in any way contributed to the success of the show.
Finally we would be remiss if we did not express our appreciation
to the hundreds of people who attended our reunion and who gave
expression to their pleasure and enjoyment.
Six steam engines were on exhibition; a Baker, a Frick, a George
White, two Minneapolis engines and a Russell. Threshing was done
each day with Baker separators, a Red River Special and a
‘Peerless’ hand-fed, drag stacker separator. One of the
unique features in this area was the threshing done one evening by
the ‘young fry’ who are sons of the members of the
Two other features deserve special mention. One was a Birdsell
clover huller built between 1900 and 1915 and owned by our
president Forest Taylor. The other feature was the operation of
Bill Fisher’s planer which was powered by Hatcher’s twelve
horse power Hercules gasoline engine. The planer was operated by
the Hatcher boys and Bill Fisher.
This year witnessed the largest exhibit of one-cylinder ‘hit
and miss’ gasoline engines ever shown at our show. There was
also a sizeable number of antique cars which participated in the
To recite all of the details concerning this show would make
this report too long. Siffice it to say that the members of the
club were encouraged and happy with the interest manifested as
shown by the fine attendance.
The dates for our sixth annual reunion will be Thursday, Friday
and Saturday, July 28-29-30, 1966 at the Bloomfield grounds. Hope
to see all of you next year.