Sign-Painter Wilcox Also Collector Of Steam Engines

By Ann Brown
Published on January 1, 1966
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Sent in by Mr. Willis Wilcox, 349 E. Arch St., Madisonville, Kentucky Courtesy of Ann Brown, The Madisonville Messenger and photos by Cardinal Studios.
Sent in by Mr. Willis Wilcox, 349 E. Arch St., Madisonville, Kentucky Courtesy of Ann Brown, The Madisonville Messenger and photos by Cardinal Studios.
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Sent in by Mr. Willis Wilcox, 349 E. Arch St., Madisonville, Kentucky Courtesy of Ann Brown, The Madisonville Messenger and photos by Cardinal Studios.
Sent in by Mr. Willis Wilcox, 349 E. Arch St., Madisonville, Kentucky Courtesy of Ann Brown, The Madisonville Messenger and photos by Cardinal Studios.

Has Thompson’s Popper

Willis Wilcox, 349 East Arch street, a sign painter, is
interested In many other activities, one of them being steam
engines. He is the possessor of two such engines, and called to
Invite us to come see them after a recent MESSENGER story on
steam-powered locomotives.

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