A cheery Hello to all the wonderful folks of the Iron-Men Album
Family And by the time you get this issue, you will all be steamed
up for the numerous Reunions that will betaking place across the
country. I do hope you all have a wonderful summer.
I must tell you some unhappy news I am just recovering from a
serious illness as I became sick on March 16 with the old-fashioned
encephaltis and I was taken to the hospital where I remained in
unsatisfactory condition for quite awhile. But, through the grace
of God, the many prayers of all my wonderful friends, the wonderful
care of the doctors and nurses, I came back home on the 31st of
March and here I am writing another column to you, something they
all thought I would never be able to do again. I’m really, at
this writing, almost back to normal, but I’ll be most happy for
any of you to remember me in your prayers as we won’t know for
many weeks the final results on all tests that were made. Because
of this illness, I will definitely have to change my way of life. I
will no longer be handling your subscriptions, ads or any kind of
orders. I will, however, still be on the Iron-Men Album and the Gas
Engine staff, but in a lesser capacity. I’ll be handling all
material and pictures that come to the magazine and will get them
ready for publication and continue my columns. I must say, for me
it’s a little sad as I’ve been with the Iron-Men Album 8
years in that time it’s become quite a part of me and I know it
is going to take me awhile to adjust to the fact that I am no
longer the business manager. But I guess that’s life, or as
they say ‘that’s the way the ball bounces’ or
that’s ‘the way the cookie crumbles’ at any rate,
I’m very grateful and happy to be back home and able to work as
well as I am now doing. I’ve become acquainted with some
wonderful folks through this magazine and even though I’ve
never met many of my friends, I feel as though I know them. For
these friendships I’m very grateful we can still be in
The business has been moved to a new address. Kitty Snell will
now be taking care of all the business for you. She lives at 4
Ellen Drive, Enola, Pennsylvania 17025. Kitty is a fine person and
I’m sure if you give her and her husband, Earl, a chance to
learn the job, they will serve you every bit as well as I have
probably even better! They have two children, Ricky, age 6 and
Kathy, age 4, and at the present time they have a 13 year old
foster boy, Rick, living with them, and oh yes! Buddy that’s
the big collie that completes the family.
Many thanks goes to Janet Mundis, a good friend of ours who has
been helping me for about four years working part-time on the
magazine. Janet had just been in the hospital for an operation and
really wasn’t back to par when I became ill, but she helped out
all she could and was left with the load on her shoulders. She has
been assisting Kitty in learning this work. So you see, all in all,
there has been quite a shake-up in the home office and we do hope
you will bear with us if things are not just as they should be, for
there are many things to do and it will take awhile to get all
settled down again.
Before I close, I must tell you my family, neighbors and friends
were really wonderful in taking over here at home during my illness
and are still helping. A great deal of the responsibility was
placed on the young shoulders of our daughter, Dana, who is a
senior in High School.
She had to take my place and still get her school work attended
to and she did a wonderful job between her and my husband and my
wonderful friend, (Ann Koltalo, who lives across the street and has
been our right arm in all our trials) things went pretty smoothly.
I’m a lucky person and very grateful for my family and all my
blessings. Dana, however, became run down and contracted
mononucleosis, but thank goodness in a mild form and with rest and
medicine she has been able to keep up with school. And for a bright
note, she was elected May Queen and the ceremony will be this
Saturday evening at the high school. Naturally, we were all very
happy for her and she is having brother Donald as crown bearer and
sister Keli as flower girl. Then another happy note, Keli, age
nine, had sent a question in several weeks ago to ‘Tell Me
Why’ – a column that is in many papers across the nation and we
just heard recently she had won a set of Britannica Junior
Encylopedias 15 books in all isn’t that wonderful? We had to go
over to our Patriot-News office where they interviewed her and took
her picture quite exciting for a nine year old!
Well, I’ve rambled on long enough and I must close so we can
hurry and get this magazine on the way before Elmer takes off
westward for the beginning of the Reunions. Bye, Bye and remember
Faith without works is like an automobile without gas.