Well, this is one of the issues that is so full of ads and the
coming events that I’ll try not to ‘gab’ so much as I
imagine you are more interested in the other pages.
First of all in the March-April issue on pages 45 and 46 we
printed an article on the Riverboat known as the River Queen. The
article was sent into us by Willis Wilcox, 349 East Arch,
HOWEVER, on February 14, we received two letters to tell us that
this story is no longer true, that the River Queen is sinking. I
quote from Ernest H. Drewel’s letter (Labadie, Missouri 63055)
as follows: ‘After reading your article of the River Queen in
the March-April magazine I thought you might be interested in the
article of the Globe Democrat, (a paper from St. Louis). It was a
good place to eat and well preserved-all except the hull. Don’t
know what made it sink. After firing a steam boat, I am a little
close to these old boats.’ He sent along 2 photos of the
newspapers, but no permission slip to print them, thus I’m just
telling you about it, but they show the boat over on her side and
this was in February 1968.
Then–the other letter was from Geo. J. Kuhn, Jr. Route 1, Box
88, Golden Eagle, Illinois 62036 and he writes: ‘The story on
page 45-56 of March-April Album is about as far off as it can get.
The River Queen has been at St. Louis for quite awhile and has been
sunk for a month or more.’ George went on to say how stories
get so mixed up and how once they are given for print they are so
different from the truth. He too, sent pictures from same paper as
Well, fellows it was an interesting story and it was printed as
we got it from Willis and as you can see it was taken from the
Louisville Courier Journal and the staff writer, Harry Shaw, had
done the write-up on it. So we surely feel it was the true picture
at the time it was printed, but 1 don’t know when that wasbut
we thank both Ernest and George for bringing this to our attention.
We could not have known this at the time of the printing or ever
thereafter had they not written us. I’m wondering if there
could have been two boats of this name as the photos in the Globe
Democrat are, as I understand it, of a ship in St. Louis, Missouri
while in Mr. Shaw’s article it describes the ship as being in
Florida. Any more comments will be appreciated. 1 did think I
should let you folks know of these two letters though and I
don’t think any criticism was meant – we just want to keep the
facts straight.
Another letter of interest and ‘food for thought’ comes
from Perry Cramer, 1335 Church Street, Indiana, Pennsylvania 15701
and he says, ‘I am a reader of Iron-Men Album and enjoy it very
much and when reunion time comes, I like to attend the steam
displays and meet the good country folks. We only had two of them
last year, namely New Centerville, Pa., and Burgettstown, Pa. and
they were both very interesting.
I tend three natural gas fired boilers (200 HP each). They
furnish hot water and heat for the hospital. There is also an 8000
gallon tank of oil for emergency. Many times I look at these
boilers and vision a huge traction engine with 12 ft. drive wheels,
with 50 m. rims and front wheels 6 ft. high, also a big red
Now, along with the praise for Steam Meets, I would like to
offer somt criticism, because I don’t favor running the shows
on our Lord’s day. God gave us 6 other days to work and play
and to do what we choose. He only asked us to observe one out of
seven as his day. Do you know why America became the greatest
nation on earth? It’s because it was founded on Christian
principles by God fearing men. One by one these principles are
being cast aside and our Creator becomes secondary. People are
saying, at a more convenient season, we will call for Thee.
Communist principles are being adopted, while the present
generation drifts smoothly down the stream of time toward the Falls
of Destruction. 1 am neither a minister or a lay minister, but 1
can see these things so plainly. Please don’t feel angry at me.
I love the country folk and hope to see many of you.’
I felt this letter was worth printing and it is ‘food for
thought’ and 1 felt Perry was very dedicated to his convictions
and that we ought to read his opinions. None of this to cause
dissention among any of us and if it does nothing else – perhaps it
will help someone along the way to stop and think a bit not about
just how he lives on Sunday, but on every day of the week.
In closing, I’m going to print this prayer I’ve seen it
before and wanted to keep it and misplaced it and then George
Massey Gum of Box 127, Frankford, Delaware sent it in he had seen
it in Ann Landers column. It’s entitled ‘Prayer for Older
Folks’ (and this means every one of us, no matter what age, for
none of us are getting any younger)-Lord, thou knowest that I am
growing older. Keep me from becoming too talkative, and
particularly keep me from falling into the tiresome habit of
expressing an opinion on every subject. Release me from the craving
to straighten out everybody’s affairs. Keep my mind free from
the recital of endless details. Give me wings to get to the
Give me grace, dear Lord, to listen to others describe their
aches and pains. Help me to endure the boredom with patience and to
keep my lips sealed. For my own aches and pains are increasing in
number and intensity and the pleasure of discussing them is
becoming sweeter as the years go by.
Teach me the glorious lesson that, occasionally, I might be
Keep me reasonably sweet; I do not wish to be a saint (saints
are so hard to live with) but a sour woman is the crowning work of
the devil.
Make me thoughtful, but not moody; helpful, but not pushy;
independent, yet able to accept with graciousness favors that
others wish to bestow on me.
Free me of the notion that simply because I have lived a long
time I am wiser than those who have not lived so long.
If I do not approve of some of the changes that have taken place
in recent years, give me the wisdom to keep my mouth shut.
Lord knows that when the end comes I would like to have a friend
or two left.
AND isn’t that some Food for Thought? Reminds me of my
favorite prayer, ‘Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the
things 1 cannot change, the Courage to change the things I can and
the Wisdom to know the difference.
Bye bye do have a good summer-enjoy those reunions and those
good friends, old and new.