Well, it certainly is a Winter Wonderland around here right now
– we’ve had several snows and not enough warm weather in
between to melt any of it away. Thank goodness the weather held up
pretty well over Christmas and the folks could get home.
Daughter Dana came from Virginia by herself the day before
Christmas and was supposed to go back Thursday, but then due to a
which gave her a nice long visit with us. Her hubby won’t be
home till the middle of January so they are having their Christmas
then. We all missed Bob but are glad he will be home before
We were fortunate in that Son No. 1 and wife and daughter got
here for a few hours – we held off our Christmas dinner until the
26th when we knew they were coming – it was good to have them here
again – it’s been about four months and the baby has really
grown in the times in between that we get to see her. She is
walking and of course trying out her childish talk and is a joy to
behold. By the evening of the 26th though Tommie and I were both
pretty well under the weather with the flu and Donnie had a touch
of it, so we really weren’t very good company for the Holiday
Season, but all in all it could have been a lot worse and we’re
thankful for the good things we did experience.
And so we are well into 1968 – and wondering what surprises are
in store for each of us I guess it’s good we don’t know
before hand although sometimes you feel like you’d like to take
a peek, but I doubt if any of us would have the courage were we
offered the chance.
I have a letter from Earl J. Schwartz of R. D. 1, Hellam,
Pennsylvania 17406 and he heads it: ‘JUST ANOTHER FAVOR,
PLEASE? – I have a problem with a Case Steam Engine. One that is
similar to Mr. Fisher’s engine shown on Page 12 of the ALBUM
Jan & Feb 1968. The pin that carries the intermediate drive
gear is worn out of round and must come out to be turned down or
repaired, one way or another. The thing I would like to know is How
is that ‘pin’ fastened to the support bracket that is
bolted to the engine? Do you have anything that would show how this
pin is fastened to the bracket or who could I contact for further
information? Thank You.’
Well, I’m sure I can’t answer Earl, but I’m hoping
some of you folks in Steam-land will be able to write him and help
him with his problem – please write Earl at above address – hell be
gald to hear from you.
And another letter from Rex Johnson of 4017 Park Avenue, North
Terre Haute, Indiana 47805. Rex writes: ‘I attended shows at
Elwood, Indiana; Kinzers, Pennsylvania; Kings, Illinois; Sycamore,
Illinois, Cedar Falls, Iowa; Mount Pleasant, Iowa and Fort Scott,
Kansas in 1967. Presidents of coming shows should suggest that they
have exhibit numbers on each exhibit, one on each side of all the
engines, large enough to show in a picture.
The Mount Pleasant Iowa Show had small cards about four inches
square on the front axles. At Kinzers, Pennsylvania, a few had
numbers. At Pickneyville in 1963 they didn’t have any numbers
and the engines were so close it was impossible to take a picture
and the operators would not move their engines as they said anyone
could take a picture of them in the parade. I never attended any
I was at Alvordton, Ohio in June 24, 1966 and attended the show
at Waueson, Ohio and they had no numbers either. The operators or
the owners of the engines should stop and think if it were not for
the photographer, their shows would die.’
Well, now, there is food for thought in Rex’s letter – I
don’t believe he meant it to be a gripe letter as much as one
of constructive criticism and backed it up with examples. So
we’ll have to leave it up to you fellows that run the shows,
but it seems a worthwhile suggestion to print the letter. And one
thing I think you must try and remember – maybe some of these folks
who take the pictures enjoy that as much as owning an engine and
perhaps it is beyond their means to own an engine, so it
wouldn’t hurt to try and appease them – and really I imagine
one is flattered when someone wants to take pictures of his engine
– or am I wrong in this assumption? Well, we’ll just have to
wait and see what comes of this suggestion, Rex.
I was just sittin’ and think in’ the miraculous age of
history we are living in and all the things that are happening all
the time – how about the heart transplants? You can hardly believe
what they are accomplishing, but I was thinking how many of us need
a heart transplant right now-not the physical kind-the spiritual
kind – wouldn’t it be something if you could sort of trade that
old hardened heart with the scar tissue of all our sins for one
that would always be understanding, kind, considerate and loving to
all brotherhood. Well, that’s alot of talk I know but you know
we are fortunate anytime at all we can have a new heart if we turn
to the Lord and believe that Jesus died for our sins, but it seems
we always make that so hard for our-
selves, we make it so complicated and like I said I was just
sittin’ and think in’ and we’d probably think it more
progressive or up to date to go to the Heart Bank and say –
‘Hey, I’d like to turn this old pumper in for a new one
that will make me a better person to my fellow man – and by the way
could you sort of hide those scores of sins and malice showing on
that one of mine – I’d rather no one see it’ – you folks
probably think I’m nutty but anyhow once in awhile some good
thought come out , of something like this enough to inspire someone
to better their life -1 hope so -who knows, I may even better
myself just because I put it on paper. You know sometimes I get
frustrated when it comes time to write the column and I think I
don’t know what to say or I wish it were done or etc. and yet,
you know I believe it’s good for me I’ve had to do it. I do
hope I haven’t been a bore – at least there is always someone
of you kind folk out there that writes me every now and then and
says you actually enjoy my column or point out one thing or another
that you’ve liked. thanks, that’s all the compensation
I’ve needed and it’s all been worthwhile.
Well, I really have rambled on enough and will close until
May-June issue and you’ll all be settin’ out the onions and
spring planting and shining the engines -see you then. And
remember- Happiness is as a butterfly, which when pursued, is
always beyond our grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly,
may alight upon you. Hawthorne.