310 S. Frankling Street Dwight, Illinois 60420
In almost every issue of the magazine you ask for stories and
pictures so I decided to write a few words on the past years events
and send some pictures to go along with them.
To introduce myself I will say I am 24 years old and have been a
steam enlover for many years. I attended my first steam show at
the country ever since.
I would like also to introduce my good friend, Sylvester
Fosdick, of Fair bury, Illinois. He is 57 years old, has steam in
his blood, and had his Port Huron steam engine at the first steam
show in Pontiac, Illinois 20 years ago. He helped his good friend,
the late Dan S. Zehr organize this show back in 1947. It has grown
to be one of the biggest and best shows in the country and is known
as the ‘Central States Threshermen’s Reunion’ of
Pontiac, Illinois.
Last September I purchased a 50 H.P. Case Steam Engine in
unrestored condition from the widow of the late Reuben G. Bohman of
Alpha, Illinois. After having the engine trucked home I started to
work on the restoration project. I re-piped the entire engine,
replaced the smoke-box bottom, made a new smoke stack, did a lot of
cleaning and painting and then I spent the winter and spring
building an entirely new contractors water tank for the engine. I
still have to build contractors coal bunkers for the platform and
install tool boxes and a canopy to complete the restoration. I was
able to show the engine for the first time at the Pontiac, Illinois
show this year. It really performed well with its 150 pounds of
steam pressure as allowed by the Illinois State Test.
Last October’, Sylvester Fosdick bought a 60 H.P. Russell
Steam Engine in Montacello, Illinois. It looked like it was ready
for the junk pile. During the winter it got two new water tanks, a
new canopy, a new operators platform, flue sheet repairs, and a new
set of 10 gauge flues that we installed ourselves the old fashion
way. Then he cleaned and painted it and worked on the mechanical
parts. Now it looks and runs like new and is allowed 100 pounds
pressure by the State Boiler inspection.
On July 25, we threshed over 1300 bushels of oats at Gridley,
Illinois for a demonstration sponsored by the ‘Christian
Apostelic’ church in that area. We used my 32-54 Case separator
which is in excellent condition, built in 1916, to do the
threshing. The oats were wet but that little ole Case thresher ran
right along and did a good job of it anyway.
On August 27, we had another threshing bee at Franklin, Illinois
sponsored by Pat Kinney on his farm, near the late Melvin Reese
farm. Pat Kinney is a steam lover and also an antique car
collector. We used a 36-60 Baker wood separator, rebuilt and
restored by the late Tom Burke of Chenoa, Illinois. We believe this
will become an annual affair.
Steam wise, this years activities have about ended and we have
another win-of engine restoration jobs lined up before us. I only
hope that the next years jobs will be as rewarding. If so I may
have something to write about next year.