STEAM- But definitely

By Leroy Wilson
Published on March 1, 1964
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Courtesy of Russ Johnson, 187 Alder crest Rd., Toronto 14, Out., Canada. P2819A: Display Renovated Steam Engine These three operators from Ontario Hydro's huge Lake view steam electric power plant were among those who repaired this 50 year old steam engin
Courtesy of Russ Johnson, 187 Alder crest Rd., Toronto 14, Out., Canada. P2819A: Display Renovated Steam Engine These three operators from Ontario Hydro's huge Lake view steam electric power plant were among those who repaired this 50 year old steam engin
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Courtesy of Geo. A. Cretors, 402 Nicholson Ave., Long Beach, Miss. This 30 HP Minneapolis is owned by Louis C. Mizilly, Starks, Louisiana.
Courtesy of Geo. A. Cretors, 402 Nicholson Ave., Long Beach, Miss. This 30 HP Minneapolis is owned by Louis C. Mizilly, Starks, Louisiana.

Box 14, Veyo, Utah

The writer positively knows that a steam automobile can be built
that will go fifty miles per gallon of cheap fuel oil or coal tars
or the like and have thrilling acceleration and the other
advantages of steam. The boilers, engines, burners and gadgets have
been developed. They only need application to give steam fans the

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