Mr. Benj. Gunder, Road Contractor of Strasburg, Md., purchased
the engine new in 1911. In 1913 Mr. H. F. Hoak of Slack Water,
Lancaster Co., purchased the engine from Mr. Gunder, Then Rev.
Elmer L. Ritzman, now of Enola, Pa., got the engine from Mr. Hoak
and some years later sold it to Mr. Raymond Rohrer of Manheim, RD
1, Pa. Some years later he sold it to Mr. Raymond Conley, RD 1,
Mr. Conley has the Avery in first class condition. It has been
shown the last two years at the Williams Grove Steam Engine
The engine has spent its life at road building, threshing, etc.
and is used now only for Show purposes.
The man in the cab is Mr. Percy Beck of Mechanicsburg, Pa.
This good old Avery gets better looking all the time! –