By Richard Rorvig
Published on January 1, 1968
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Courtesy of Richard Rorvig, Rothsay, Minnesota 56579. This is a 35 Buffalo Pitts, taken in 1966.
Courtesy of Richard Rorvig, Rothsay, Minnesota 56579. This is a 35 Buffalo Pitts, taken in 1966.
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Courtesy of Richard Rorvig, Rothsay, Minnesota 56579. This is a 35 Buffalo Pitts and a 42 x 70 Avery Yellow Fellow, taken in 1966.
Courtesy of Richard Rorvig, Rothsay, Minnesota 56579. This is a 35 Buffalo Pitts and a 42 x 70 Avery Yellow Fellow, taken in 1966.

Rothsay, Minnesota 56579

Well, I did a little steam threshing again this fall with my 80
H.P. Case engine and 40 x 62 Case separator.

The shows up here had good weather this fall so they had a
successful year.

I went out to see the Anderson’s threshing rig at work this

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