The 12th Annual Fly-In and Threshers Reunion was another success
in July, 1982, with a crowd of approximately 20,000 in attendance
for the three day event. There were some 90 antique tractors and
more that 400 gas engines. There also were a dozen steamers around
for supplying the power for the demonstration of threshing,
sawmilling, shingle sawing and plowing.
The Fly-In and Threshers Reunion has grown to be the greatest
steam, gas and antique farm machinery showing the Southeast. The
three-day event was sponsored by the South Davidson Fire Department
on show ground covering approximately 90 acres.
There are more than a dozen buildings on the show grounds that
range from reconstructed log buildings to a modern 100′ x
150′ all metal exhibition building that contain displays of
steam engines ranging in size from a 2 HP to a 125 HP Corliss.
The arbor type building with a seating capacity of 1500 was
filled all three nights for the Country and Gospel music show.
Other buildings of interest include an old country store and an old
church that has been moved to the show grounds from the Jackson
Hill Community. There are storage sheds and two modern restrooms
and bath house combinations for the convenience of the folks who
come and attend the show. The last building to be mentioned is for
sure not the least. It is 216 feet long and houses the Gandy Dandy
Railroad Engine and cars, when it is not out on its one and
one-half mile track that circles the show grounds and parking lot.
The completion of the railroad track last year added a big
attraction to the show!
There is plenty of shade for looking and for relaxing; there was
an abundance of good food from hot-dogs to a full course Wheat
Threshers Dinner of chicken pie, pinto beans, slaw and corn
We would like to say ‘Thanks’ to the many folks who come
and exhibit and help to put the demonstrations on, and to the
people who make their way out to see a fine show of Farm history in
the past. (The 1983 show was held July 1,2,3, and 4.)