The 13th Annual OLD TIME THRESHERS AND SAW MILL OPERATORS EXHIBITION held on Aug. 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th, 1964

By Staff
Published on July 1, 1964
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The start of a sideways climb by Harry Woodmansee at the 1963 Show of the Old Time Threshers.
The start of a sideways climb by Harry Woodmansee at the 1963 Show of the Old Time Threshers.
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Clare Brown of Hamilton Lake, Indiana keeping an 18 hp Advance Rumely hot at the 1963 Old Time Thresher Show
Clare Brown of Hamilton Lake, Indiana keeping an 18 hp Advance Rumely hot at the 1963 Old Time Thresher Show
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Everything that can be steam, even an old time pop corn wagon that hardly shut down at the Old Time Thresher Show.
Everything that can be steam, even an old time pop corn wagon that hardly shut down at the Old Time Thresher Show.
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The officers and Board of Directors of the 'Old Time Threshers and Saw Mill Operators'. From left to right, first row: Rolland Maxwell, Sherald Bonnell, Mrs. Jay Gould, Mrs. J. H. Whitbey. Second Row: Cint Bloom, Jay Gould, Irvin Bandelier, Frank Miller,
The officers and Board of Directors of the 'Old Time Threshers and Saw Mill Operators'. From left to right, first row: Rolland Maxwell, Sherald Bonnell, Mrs. Jay Gould, Mrs. J. H. Whitbey. Second Row: Cint Bloom, Jay Gould, Irvin Bandelier, Frank Miller,
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Exact copy to scale of an Advance engine owned by M. C. Lake of South Bend, Indiana as seen at the 1963 Old Time Thresher Show.
Exact copy to scale of an Advance engine owned by M. C. Lake of South Bend, Indiana as seen at the 1963 Old Time Thresher Show.
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A view of the crowd watching Melvin Lugten balance his engine on the teeter-totter at the 1963 Old Time Thresher Show.
A view of the crowd watching Melvin Lugten balance his engine on the teeter-totter at the 1963 Old Time Thresher Show.
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Veneer Lathe in operation at the 1963 Old Time Thresher Show.
Veneer Lathe in operation at the 1963 Old Time Thresher Show.

This years exhibition of the ‘Old Time Thresher and Saw Mill
Operators Show’ exceeded all of the former years for the number
of people attending and for variety of equipment. Exhibitors and
equipment came from a four state area. The states of Michigan,
Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana being represented.

Each days program began at 10:00 in the morning with the raising

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