The A-B-C’s of my Steam Experiences (Avery—Birdsall—Case)

By Steve Davis,
Published on July 1, 1974
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A no-name engine, built by several men in the Maryville and St. Joe, Mo. area about 60 years ago. It is a prototype and never got into production. It is a swell running engine and now owned by a man in Maryville, Missouri. Courtesy of Roger L. Eshelman, B
A no-name engine, built by several men in the Maryville and St. Joe, Mo. area about 60 years ago. It is a prototype and never got into production. It is a swell running engine and now owned by a man in Maryville, Missouri. Courtesy of Roger L. Eshelman, B
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3 HP American Sawmill engine running at our show. This is a 2 cycle engine and is a very fine running engine. This one belongs to A.C. Eshelman. Courtesy of Rogert L. Eshelman, Box 63, College Springs, Iowa 51637 GN-73
3 HP American Sawmill engine running at our show. This is a 2 cycle engine and is a very fine running engine. This one belongs to A.C. Eshelman. Courtesy of Rogert L. Eshelman, Box 63, College Springs, Iowa 51637 GN-73

R. D. 2, West Winfield, New York 13491

In almost ten years of subscribing to the Iron-Men Album I have
never before written up any of my experiences with steam, so better
late than never. I first became interested in steam engines at the
age of fourteen when I saw my first traction engine at the New York
State Fair at Syracuse. Right away the bug bit me and I have been

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