J. B. STUFFLEBEAM was a subscriber to the Album since it first
came out. He passed away August 3, 1967. He was very well known in
the steam engine circle and had a 19 HP Port Huron Compound which
was passed on to his son, Verne. J. B. was a thresherman for 42
years in the Lewis-town, Illinois, area. This was sent to us by his
J. ALLY SCHUSTER passed away January 3, 1967 at the age of 75.
He was a great Gas Engine restorer and at the time of his death was
in the process of restoring a 1913 three-wheel-truck Harley
Davidson Motorcycle. His death was very sudden. His collection of
antiques has been passed on to his grandson, Michael Schuster. This
is sent to us by V. C. Schuster.
Courtesy of Mrs. Glenn Shepard
‘The clock of life is wound but once, we do not know when
the hands may stop.’ Though, ‘In the midst of life we are
in death’, and there comes a time in the life of each of us to
mark the loss of one whom we highly esteemed in life. And now we
are called to note the passing of Glenn Leland Shepard, who passed
to his reward August 24, 1966.
He was the son of William S. and Lydia (Shaffer) Shepard, and
was born in Damascus Township, Henry County, near McClure,
He was called to duty in World War I, in Camp Jackson, South
Carolina. There after surgery, ‘flu’ invaded the training
camp. His stay in the hospital is recorded on the annals of the
State and National Government, ‘Hospital Record’.
And with the solemnity of many of his ‘buddies’ and sad
memories of those who had made the supreme sacrifice, this illness
caused an indelible impression upon his health. Time and passing
years did not erase this lasting impression.
Returning home January 10, 1919, and the following spring he
took up his regular work of farming and mechanics.
He was active in civic affairs. He was Commander of Roberts-Mc
Millian Post 332, Firing Squad and Bugler. Coronet soloist in the
McClure Band. Member of the elevator board for seventeen years, and
a member of the Christian Union Church of Damascus Township.
He leaves to mourn his passing wife, Tola Merrill Shepard, and a
brother. Many relatives and many friends.
His body was laid to rest in the Hock-man Cemetery, Sunday,
August 28, 1966. A Military Funeral under the direction of the
‘American Legion Post 332’, Pallbearers and sixteen
‘honorary pallbearers’, drill teams, firing squad, Color
Guards and Bugler, and the Minister of the Christian Union Church,
Rev. Edgar Shady.