The Ladies Page

By Mae Baler
Published on July 1, 1966
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Courtesy of Mrs. Leo Turley, Route 4, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa 52641. Taken at The Midwest Old Settlers and Threshers Reunion of 1965. A fine parade of Steamers!
Courtesy of Mrs. Leo Turley, Route 4, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa 52641. Taken at The Midwest Old Settlers and Threshers Reunion of 1965. A fine parade of Steamers!
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Courtesy of Mrs. Leo Turley, Route 4, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa 52641. Taken at The Midwest Old Settlers and Threshers Reunion of 1965. 'Little Dixie Bell' owned by Mr. & Mrs. Harold George of Mexico, Missouri. action for image
Courtesy of Mrs. Leo Turley, Route 4, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa 52641. Taken at The Midwest Old Settlers and Threshers Reunion of 1965. 'Little Dixie Bell' owned by Mr. & Mrs. Harold George of Mexico, Missouri. action for image
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Courtesy of Frank Van Duzer, 507 N. Butrick St., Waukegan, Illinois Nick Dowdal at Zion City, Illinois. Nick is a man with a long background of threshing and steam experience. He , in his younger days worked for Wood Bros. Steam Traction Engine Co. and th
Courtesy of Frank Van Duzer, 507 N. Butrick St., Waukegan, Illinois Nick Dowdal at Zion City, Illinois. Nick is a man with a long background of threshing and steam experience. He , in his younger days worked for Wood Bros. Steam Traction Engine Co. and th



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