4525 Twin Oak Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422
Half size Advance Rumely engine built by retired aircraft
mechanic Eugene Roggeman of Minneapolis, Minnesota in his spare
Pictured here and on the cover is a half size Advance Rumely
engine I started building back in the 1950s. I sent one of the
the November-December, 1953.
I started building the engine because when I was a young kid I
used to run my uncle’s steam engine on the threshing crew.
However, due to my love also for aircraft, I became a licensed
aircraft mechanic in 1928 and have been connected with aviation
ever since until 1972, when I retired from Northwest Airlines as
Superintendent of Maintenance Regulations.
I built this engine of mine in my spare time over a five-year
period. It is Minnesota state licensed and runs real nice. I should
mention that I built the engine by first making the wood patterns
for the castings and then machining them.
Now that I am retired I have spent much time in repairing and
running steam engines, as I still have my steam engineers
I call my engine ‘The Rogge’.