The Steam Engine Safety Valve: New Valves Require Knowledge of Old Boilers

By Bruce E. Babcock
Published on September 10, 2009
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The purpose of safety valves for hand-fired boilers have changed from 1909 to today. A safety valve from 1909 (left) was meant to give notice of the highest pressure permissible, according to the American Society of Mechancial Engineers, and to give alarm that more water or less fuel was needed. (See
The purpose of safety valves for hand-fired boilers have changed from 1909 to today. A safety valve from 1909 (left) was meant to give notice of the highest pressure permissible, according to the American Society of Mechancial Engineers, and to give alarm that more water or less fuel was needed. (See "The Purpose of a Safety Valve" at the end of this article to learn more.
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This modern-style safety valve diagram reveals its components. The valve shown is a modern side discharge safety valve with top-guided flat sets, manufactured by Kunkle.
This modern-style safety valve diagram reveals its components. The valve shown is a modern side discharge safety valve with top-guided flat sets, manufactured by Kunkle.
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This example of an old-style safety valve is a top discharge safety valve with bottom-guided beveled seats, manufactred by Lonergan and stamped ASME Standard.
This example of an old-style safety valve is a top discharge safety valve with bottom-guided beveled seats, manufactred by Lonergan and stamped ASME Standard.
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Two examples of what not to do when installing a safety valve. Don't use any fittings smaller than the inlet to the safety valve, as at left. At right is another no-no: Don't install any kind of valve between safety valve and the boiler.
Two examples of what not to do when installing a safety valve. Don't use any fittings smaller than the inlet to the safety valve, as at left. At right is another no-no: Don't install any kind of valve between safety valve and the boiler.
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A possible safety valve arrangement; the new valve satisfies the code requirements, while the old-style valve performs the function for which it was designed. Notes: The ASME code valve must not be installed on the branch of the tee. Nipples between the valves and the boiler must be scheduled 80 and short as possible. Elbow and tee between valves, and the boiler must be at least 300 psi. No other fittings may be installed between the valves and the boiler.
A possible safety valve arrangement; the new valve satisfies the code requirements, while the old-style valve performs the function for which it was designed. Notes: The ASME code valve must not be installed on the branch of the tee. Nipples between the valves and the boiler must be scheduled 80 and short as possible. Elbow and tee between valves, and the boiler must be at least 300 psi. No other fittings may be installed between the valves and the boiler.
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A sample variation of valves
A sample variation of valves
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The results of the tests performed by the National Board on new safety valves of both setpoint and blowdown. A sample of just five valves shows that it seems reasonable to suspect that even greater variations may exist.
The results of the tests performed by the National Board on new safety valves of both setpoint and blowdown. A sample of just five valves shows that it seems reasonable to suspect that even greater variations may exist.

At almost every show I attend, I ask a few engine owners and operators if they are satisfied with their new-style safety valves. It would be only a small exaggeration to say that I get just two responses. “I have been using a new-style valve for 15 years and I haven’t had any trouble with it” or “They are junk!” I have cleaned up the second response to spare the reader the unpleasant expletives.

As the result of these conversations, I have attempted to understand why there is such a discrepancy between the reactions to modern safety valves. It now appears that there are a few simple steps we can take when purchasing and installing these valves that might improve our satisfaction with the new-style valves, which are the only ones currently available.

The History of Safety Valves on Hand-fired Boilers

To understand the issues involved in the selection of a safety valve, it is necessary to review the history of safety valves used on hand-fired boilers. I am referring to hand-fired boilers rather than historical boilers because the issues are determined by how the boilers are fired, not how they are constructed or how old they are. The requirements for a modern welded boiler made to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) code are the same as for a 100-year-old riveted boiler, if both boilers are hand-fired. The requirements for a safety valve for a boiler that is automatically fired are dramatically different.

With automatic firing, the safety valve’s function as defined by Anderson Greenwood Crosby, a manufacturer of modern safety valves, is to protect life and property if all other safety measures fail. A safety valve on a hand-fired boiler, as defined by ASME almost a hundred years ago, is to give notice of the highest pressure permissible and to give alarm that more water or less fuel is needed. (The evolution of the purpose of the safety valve is summarized in “The Purpose of a Safety Valve,” at the end of this article.)

When hand-fired boilers, such as found on traction engines, steam cranes and locomotives disappeared, most of the boilers that remained were automatically fired. The safety valve manufacturers adapted their designs accordingly. The old-style valves with bottom guided, beveled seats were capable of withstanding vibration and operating near their setpoint, and were replaced by smaller top-guided valves with flat seats.

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