By Andy Fischels
Published on July 1, 1970
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Smolik Bros. Phoenix Logger mired down in stubble field.
Smolik Bros. Phoenix Logger mired down in stubble field.
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Another view of Smolik's 40-140 Reeves showing timbers and 1 inch cable in foreground.
Another view of Smolik's 40-140 Reeves showing timbers and 1 inch cable in foreground.
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Smolik's 10-140 Reeves Plow Engine mired down. Derwood Heine's International Cat. in front to keep front end from swinging.
Smolik's 10-140 Reeves Plow Engine mired down. Derwood Heine's International Cat. in front to keep front end from swinging.
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Smolik Bros. 110 Case stuck in stubble field while going to plow.
Smolik Bros. 110 Case stuck in stubble field while going to plow.

Vice-President Antique Acres, Hiway 218 North, Route No.1,Cedar
Falls, Iowa 50613.

Our Steam Show at Antique Acres in 1969, was in one way Blessed
and in another way not quite so Blessed. Our oats harvest was the
best we ever had. This was a Blessing. On Labor Day weekend, we
almost got rained out. This was not so Blessed. We also found, that

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