Rock Valley, Iowa
I saw a photograph of a thresher with two blowers at Marvin
Green’s home, Boyden, Iowa and I asked to borrow it. I had
reprints made of it and I enclose one of them.
I never knew before that there were two blowers on any thresher
so I inquired and it seems that around 1900 some of these blowers
I wrote to Marcus Leonard, Salina, Kansas, and asked him if he
knew anything about them. He replied that about 1898 he operated a
thresher with what he called a Radcliff blower and said it operated
easier than the single blower as a three inch shaft would operate
the blower. I also talked to a man in Zion City, Iowa, and he said
he hauled bundles to a machine northeast of Fargo, North Dakota in
the Red River Valley of Minn-nesota about 1936. He said this was an
old hand fed thresher but he was only a young man at that time and
was not interested much in the machine.
I also asked Marvin Green of Boy-den, Iowa, where I got the
photograph, for a story and he said he had none as he had gotten
the collection of pictures from his uncle who was now dead. He said
he would like information on this type of blower
If any of you can give more information on this type of blower
write to William Gayer, Rock Valley, Iowa; Marvin Green, Boyden,
Iowa, or the IRON-MEN ALBUM, Port Royal, Pa, We shall be glad to
give this information to the readers.