1511 Iglehart Avneue St. Paul, Minn. 55104
The 1968 Zumbro Thresher’s Association reunion was held
August 31 and September 1 and 2 in co-operation with the Budenski
brothers on their farm, the show area.
The farm is located among gentle rolling hills about eight miles
south west of Wanamingo and about the same distance northeast of
The location where the show is held is ideal. It comprises about
eight acres of beautiful level blue grass pasture, bounded on the
west by a healthy stream from which water is pumped for the steam
engines, and for cooling the oil and gas tractors and gas
The farm buildings are located on a low hill directly north of
the show area. Here a large red basement barn stands with its new
paint glistening in the sun and the white farm house in the
background half abscured by large shade trees, along with other
buildings, make up?
This is the four hundred and forty acre home site of Edward,
Robert and Albert Budenski, all bachelors who live together.
The show this year, not unlike this annual event of other years,
held a variety of entertainment for the people who attended. Since
1955, when the first one was staged, it has become one of the
leading steam and antique farm machinery exhibits, not only of
Minnesota, but of surrounding states.
Saturday, August 31st, was a day for getting entires located in
respective positions, and for getting things going. Sunday drew the
largest crowd, followed by a slightly smaller turnout on Labor
Each day offered interesting attractions. Axley Bros. of Eyotta,
Minnesota were on hand with their lumber saw powered by various
steam and gas tractors.
Steam traction engines and big gas tractors took turns on the
Baker fan.
Plowing was done in a nearby stubble field by steam engines and
heavy antique gas tractors alternately pulling an eight-bottom
steam plow. A smaller antique model pulled four plows.
Loads of oat bundles hauled on old fashioned rack wagons were
threshed with a steel Red River Special 36 inch cylinder separator
powered by steam traction engines and big Minneapolis and Avery
tractors. Smaller tractors furnished power for threshing with a
twenty-two inch cylinder John Deere separator. Both threshers are
owend by the Budenskis.
Other than the threshing, lumber sawing and plowing, eighteen
antique tractors and an exhibit of assorted gas engines from 10
horse-power down to 11/2 all running at the
same time, drew curi-inquiring people.
Gang, sulky and walking plows were exhibited. Implement dealers
displayed chain saws and other light farm equipment.
As an added feature this year, horses brought new action to the
scene. Plowing along with the steam and gas tractors, Walt Schaffer
of Owatonna drove three fine sorrel draft horses hitched to a sulky
plow. In between plowing demonstrations, he hitched two horses to a
wide topped farm wagon, giving rides to youngsters.
On Sunday, Septmeber 1, Lloyd Hanson demonstrated with a hitch
of young Percheron adn Belgian horses. Drawing a show wagon and
wearing harnesses valued at sixteen hundred dollars, they appeared
in full horse show regalia.
The parade, which climaxed the show each day, was made up of
over twenty-six units which included five steam traction engines
and eighteen antique tractors. Along with other entires in the
parade, Mr. Schaffer drove his team and wagon with a load of happy
young folks.
The Budenski Brothers showed two Minneapolis engines that were
real beauties. Like all of their machinery, they are well painted
and clean of grime and grease.
One of these engines is a 28 horse- power. The engineer, Ray
Magnuson of Emerson, Nebraska, owns one just like it at his home.
Ray’s brother Harold, also from Emerson, is as he terms it, the
‘Water Monkey’. His job is to keep water supplied for the
thirsty engine boilers.
The other Minneapolis, a 20 horsepower, was in fine condition
and looked like it had just arrived from the factory. Walter Gasch
of Colby, Wisconsin, was the engineer.
Other steam engines in the parade were two Advance engines a and
Port Huron, all owned by the Budenskis.
The eighteen gas tractors ranged in size from a 45-65 horsepower
Avery and 35-70 Minneapolis down to a 10-20 Titan
After the parade, in an interview with Edward Budenski, he
mentioned at least seven steam traction engines which they had
bought and restored.
Gas tractors they purchased, included a 35-70 Minneapolis later
sold to Irven Harris and sons. Tom Cropper of the same city bought
a 22-44 Minneapolis from them.
Later they purchased a 25-50 Avery from Horseless Carriage
Museum, Valley Spring, South Dakota; from a farm junk pile near
Cannon Falls, Minnesota, they rescued and fully restored a 12-25
Avery. Both of these two Avery tractors have stack radiators. The
Budenskis own a 15-30 International tractor powered with a four
cylinder engine. The cylinders are in a horizontal position with a
carburetor for each cylinder. They own a one-half interest in a
15-30 Oil Pull with Levern Lentz of Pine Island. A 45-65 Avery is
the big boy of their tractor collection. Other small tractors in
their possession, include three John Deere Model D’s.
At the reunion of August 31 and September 1 and 2, the large
valuable collection of farm machinery no doubt created the greatest
admiration of all who attended. Whether the display or the
demonstrations attracted the crowd, all who came pronounced it a
huge success.