Route 1, Box 13 Steinauer, NE 68441
The Traugers Old Timers Day was held Aug 14th in Traugers Grov 1
Miles SE of Exeter NE with a larger crowd than in 1982.
The Antique Car department was outstanding in quality restored
cars and numbers. This writer counted 20 and did not get them all!
The Trauger 1912 Buick touring made the parade route without a
The rest of the displays were larger than in other years, Silage
cutting from large green corn stalks fresh from the irrigated
fields was a sight. The corn shelling provided corn cobs for those
who wanted some. This writer does not know how many were taken to
make corn cob jelly.
The machinery parade was interesting from house drawn wheel
scraper to a mechanical ear corn gleaning machine that would pick
up the dropped ears of corn in the field and put them into a
trailing wagon.
The steam engine operating display included a small portable and
a 6 HP NS traction, to the 50 to 60 HP size.
This show is backed by the Trauger family and all monies left
over after expenses are paid go to charity.