1st Vice President
It was the evening of March 12, 1973 that a group of men and
women met in The Cordova Fire-hall, Cordova, Maryland. It was
decided they would like to form an organization to display and
show, in operation, old machinery and heritages they own as an
entertainment for the general public.
Our aim as a body of willing workers is to create a greater
interest with all members and the public to make our new show known
as ‘Tuckahoe Steam & Gas Association Incorporated’;
something all will enjoy and have good memories of, knowing that we
plan something new to be added each year. Interest of the public
was so great that many persons joined and on May 22, 1973 we were
Now we must find land; so many men were looking for a spot that
could be purchased. We must have a permanent place where we can put
up buildings and have plenty of room to display our antiques,
heritages, and hobbies. With seventy-nine charter members, it
showed the interest was motivated.
Land was found five miles north of Easton, Maryland on U.S.
Route 50. Cecil H. and Sylvia Gannon offered and sold to us the
land on December 15, 1973.
The first of the year, 1974, showed the men’s interest and
work began. With many hours of hard work and loaned equipment, it
now looks like we have a great deal done for the first year. The
men are planning many more details to be finished in the next few
years. To date our active membership is 186 with 4 honorary and 123
Our officers for the year of 1974 were President, George E.
Neal; 1st Vice President, Col. Ross Rhodes; 2nd Vice President,
Pete Lovelace; Recording Secretary, Lerew Engle; Corresponding
Secretary, Miriam Dean; Treasurer, Sherman Hopkins; Chaplain, Henry
Secrist; Parliamentarian, Louise Singer; Historian, Pauline Neal;
Trustees, Harry Swann, Howard Engle, Paul Singer, Hans Wendt,
Wilber Engle, Robert Dean, Melvin Engle, and Clifford Baker.
(July 12-14, 1974), the excitement was mounting. On Friday
morning, July 12, 1974, at 10:00 AM, the National Anthem was played
and the raising of the flags followed by a welcome speech by the
President of the club, George Neal.
Steam and Gas Engines of all sizes and tractors fired up to
commence the three day gala event.
There was a rock crusher powered by a large Frick portable steam
engine, many gas engines of all sizes popping, gas and oilpull
tractors, a hot-air engine pumping water, a working windmill, and a
very large flea market.
Also Mrs. Shaefer selling the Steam and Gas magazines.
There were also parades, shingle sawing, sawmill operations,
engines straining their cylinders on the baker fan, stone burr
gristmill, wheat threshing, whistle blowing, country music shows
featuring local talent, ladies crafts, baked goods, blacksmith
shop, an auction, broom making demonstrations, an oxen team hauling
logs, baling of straw, cordwood sawing, cornhusker and shredder
display, music by a steam caliope, demonstrations of weaving wooden
eel pots, Church Service on Sunday morning, flour-mill operation,
square dancing, and many more fascinating and entertaining events
to list.
Saturday was our official dedication of the grounds. We had a
program lined up when who should appear unexpectedly but the
Governor of Maryland, the Honorable Marvin Mandel. The Governor
assisted in our dedication ceremonies along with First District
Congressman Robert Bauman. After the ceremonies, the Governor
stayed around to inspect the steam engines, shake hands, sign
autographs, and pose for photographs.
Congressman Baumas was quoted as saying he thought it was well
that we attract a few of the city folks out to the country to see
what America was and is all about.
On hand too, were plenty of local politicians who were
reminiscing the days when steam was the order of the day.
President Neal was thrilled at the success of the first show. He
estimated the crowds for the three days at being between 10,000 and
12,000 visitors. He expresses his sincere thanks to all exhibitors,
officers and members of other clubs who contributed their knowledge
and experience to help get us moving and the Boy Scouts who helped
park the cars.
The show dates for this year are July 11 – July 13, 1975.
The club encourages new and young members to join if they are
sincerely interested in steam and gas machinery as they will be the
ones to carry the organization on to further success.