R. 2, Knox, Pa. 16232
A lot of us have been trying to get an easily made and cheap
valve made to use with steam engines made from gas engines or air
compressors where a straight through system can be used such as 2
cycle and motor outboard engines or even 3 cylinder small foreign
car engines. This valve seems to me to be the easiest to build and
driven or run by bicycle sprockets. Have sent this idea to some of
my friends thought you might want it for public use.
Valve for steam engines as made from B & S engines or air
compressors is single acting. Take pipe collar 2′ or to suit
and get two cast iron plugs same size with metal flush with small
end of threads not ones with domed hole. Put one in lathe and turn
off wrench square and make both front and back square with each
other. While still in lathe, drill center hole for brass bearing
(brass pipe) and outlet holes for the correct number of cylinders.
Drill brass bearing to shaft size while still in lathe and make
sure it is exactly 90 degrees with back surface of 3 so valve will
not leak as 4 has to be a steam tight fit with it. Be sure to put
brass bearing and outlet pipes 6 in from the large side of the plug
3. The rotary part of the valve is turned from another plug or
other metal and made a loose fit clearing the threads in the
collar. The shaft can be made long enough for operation and
threaded into 4 and a nut put on rear side. One hole only is
drilled in 4 and this must line up with holes in 3. Maybe square
holes for the outlets may work better than round ones, but make
sure you have enough stock left for the outlet pipes. A packing nut
can be put on bearing 4 and wicking used. A spring may be needed to
keep 3 and 4 steam tight or the pressure in collar may keep it
tight enough. The steam inlet can be put where convenient. I have
not tried out this valve yet but think it will work. No sizes are
given as the size of engine and what parts are around the shop will
determine sizes.
I hope this helps some to get their engines running and would be
glad to hear from men trying it out.