Gary Yaeger, frequent contributor of fine historical photos, sent us a treasure trove this month. Specific pictures were selected with other readers in mind, as Gary explains:
“Alan Derting said in the Jan-Feb 2000 issue, ‘Pictures like those that Larry Creed and Gary Yaeger send in are the best ones in the magazine.’ I don’t like to blow my own horn, but I do love the old original pictures of the engines in their original element. Larry has been as faithful as any, providing your readers with material. Thank you for providing material for us, Larry. I found a few combined harvesters being pulled by steam in the Judith Basin of Montana for you.
“I wove in some Nichols & Shepard photos for Kevin Small. That was the first type of engine I ever ran.
“It is always fun to include pictures and material from the late Walter Mehmke.”
We were unable to include all of Gary’s photographs in one issue, so stay tuned for more!