Waterloo portable engines are regularly built in 12, 14 and 16
HP sizes. Larger portable engine are only built to special order.
These engines are especially adapted for running portable sawmills,
ordinary sized threshing outfits or for any other farm use. The
material used in the construction of them is of the same high
standard as used in our traction engines, and in the mechanical
detail as well built as any of our tractions.
In design and finish they are excelled by none. For power and
durability they surpass all rivalry. They are very economical on
fuel and water, built for burning wood or coal. They do not require
an expert to operate. They are sufficiently light so as to be
easily handled by a team of horses and are particularly adapted for
rough country. For winter transportation they are easily mounted on
sleighs; rear axle hub castings which bolt to the runners can be
supplied for the purpose if desired.
They are fitted out with the best accessory parts such as
governor, lubricator, steam gauge, two injectors, a perfectly
balanced disc, etc. They are carefully worked out in every detail,
with the idea of making a simple, plain and serviceable engine that
with proper care should give years of service without expense.
– From a 1916 Ontario Catalogue of High-Class Waterloo
Threshing Machinery catalog.