Moundridge, Kansas 67107
The wheat centennial year is fast coming to an end. It has been
an eventful year with a number of centennial activities in the
area. This report will be focused on two activities the Goessel
Centennial celebration August 16 and 17 and the participation in
the ‘Country Days’ festivities in the spacious Crown Center
The ancestors of the Goessel community people were among those
Mennonite immigrants from South Russia in 1874 who brought small
amounts of Turkey Red hard winter wheat to Kansas. It is this
variety and its derivatives that have made Kansas to become known
as the ‘Bread Basket’ of the world.
The Wheat Heritage Engine and Threshing (spells wheat) Company,
consisting of 60 members from a radius of 50 miles, offered to
perform the threshing operations. In addition they put on a very
fine small engine demonstration. Threshing was scheduled for Friday
and Saturday afternoon. An attempt was made to portray in proper
sequence the development of threshing as experienced by our
forefathers during the past 100 years. All demonstrations were
Although the flail was not used very extensively during this
period of time, it was demonstrated to show the long and tedious
way of threshing prior to later developments. The threshing stone
was next in order. This had been their chief means of threshing in
Russia and they evidently planned to proceed in this manner when
they had a hundred stones cut. American technology was, however, so
much farther advanced that the stones were soon discarded and more
up-to-date methods adopted. For many, this was the first time to
witness this sort of operation and was very much appreciated.
The threshing practice which was soon adopted was done with
small machines activated with horsepower, either sweep method or
treadmill. A Champion thresher, pat. 1887, had been purchased from
Marlin Crownover, Schelocta, Pa. several years ago. The
demonstration illustrated the concept but the actual threshing was
not too successful because of improper gear ratios. The horsepower
had been purchased from Lewis Sargent, Jewell, Iowa and was
designed to run a corn elevator, but was too slow for threshing.
Hopefully this can be corrected for the 1975 show.
A larger machine, also a Champion, but built in Orville, Ohio
was purchased from the Burgh Equipment Company in Zillianople, Pa.
(It was stored in Carrollton, Ohio) This operation worked like a
charm. Power was provided with a 12 h.p. one cylinder IHC gasoline
engine, owned by Jerry Toews, a local music teacher. This unique
engine combined with a machine (1894 to 1910) with wooden truck
wheels, hand feed and a web stacker probably attracted the most
attention. Both are very rare in this part of the country.
The final demonstration was with a more modern thresher. It was
a Case machine and powered with a Case steam engine and alternated
with an Aultman Taylor engine. More wheat was threshed with this
outfit, but it was the huge engines that attracted the attention.
John Younkman, postmaster at North Newton, Kansas, is the owner of
both engines. Everything was running along very nicely when a big
rain storm brought everything to an abrupt halt.
The local Young Farmers had obligated themselves to see that
enough Turkey Red and Centurk (Century of Turkey) wheat had been
seeded, harvested and stacked to make this threshing possible. This
was really appreciated.
The whole threshing activity would not be complete without
serving lunch (faspa in German) at 4 o’clock. At this time, all
activity ceased for 15 minutes to partake of zwieback, cheese,
sugar cubes and coffee. Formerly the women would ride to the field
in lumber wagons to deliver the faspa to the threshing crew at the
machine, usually on the east side of the engine.
Threshing was, however, not the only activity during the three
day celebration. On Saturday, a mile long parade was witnessed by
the largest number of people ever to congregate in this little town
of 600 population. The dedication of the complex took place at two
o’clock on Saturday. Dr. John Schmidt, a native of Buhler,
Kansas and now an agronomist at the University of Nebraska was the
featured speaker. Dr. Schmidt is constantly working with the
development of new varieties of wheat. Sunday was set aside for
church related activities.
Overtures to participate with a threshing demonstration at Crown
center in Kansas City had been made a year ago. It was, however, a
real thrill to get the actual invitation to participate. Crown
Center is located diagonally from Union Station. It is a Hallmark
Card Company development project.
‘Country Days’ was the theme chosen for the week long
festivities timed to coincide with the American Royal. The distance
of 190 miles limited the number of machines to take along. It was
decided to take the larger Champion thresher and the 12 h.p.
gasoline engine and supplement it with an array of small engines,
grinders, pumps, wood sawing machinery and, of course, wheat
bundles. Most all of the equipment was hauled in two trucks and
trailers. Ed Reimer, a local farmer and auctioneer furnished a farm
truck. The other truck and trailer was supplied by Hillsboro
Industries, builders of trailers. The weather was ideal for the
occasion, especially this late in the year. Everybody enjoyed a
wonderful weekend in Kansas City.
The historical complex at Goessel consists of three buildings an
old school house converted to an eating place, a replica of an
‘Immigrant House’, two of which were built by the Santa Fe
Railroad in the Goessel area in 1874. They served as living
quarters for a number of years. A third building is an agriculture
building, the Turkey Red Wheat Palace. Those artifacts related to
farming as well as wheat and wheat products are displayed in this
building. Artifacts related to the home, church and school are
featured in the ‘Immigrant House’.
The guest book shows a list of 2600 people who have visited the
complex since opening date in August. It has been open every
afternoon but will close for a few months on January 1. An attempt
will be made to have it open every Sunday afternoon, however.
Reservations for special tours may be made by calling 316-367-2233
or the complex number 367-8200.
At this time no definite date has been set for the 1975
threshing show. Plans are currently underway for this event, Watch
Iron Man Album for further notices.
The United States is the world’s largest exporter of farm
products. Our nation accounts for about 20% of world agricultural
One out of every four U.S. harvested acres produces food or
fiber for export.
The highest number of farms in the United States was recorded in
1935-6.8 million.
It takes about five million workers to assemble, process and
distribute the nation’s farm-food products.