Wheat Centennial Celebration

By Ben Boese
Published on March 1, 1975
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A trial run prior to the celebration, to check power as well as any bugs in machine that needed attention.
A trial run prior to the celebration, to check power as well as any bugs in machine that needed attention.
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Scene is a horsepower operated threshed by George Sommerfeld, Hesston, Kansas. [Photos by Simon W. Schmidt]. Courtesy of Ben Boese, Moundridge, Kansas 67107
Scene is a horsepower operated threshed by George Sommerfeld, Hesston, Kansas. [Photos by Simon W. Schmidt]. Courtesy of Ben Boese, Moundridge, Kansas 67107
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Is a thresher stone demonstration by Albert Franz, Durham, Kansas. Originally, a boy would be riding one of the horses.
Is a thresher stone demonstration by Albert Franz, Durham, Kansas. Originally, a boy would be riding one of the horses.
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Historical Complex - Wheat Palace, extreme left; the 200 ft. by 18 ft. Immigrant House, center and the Preparatory School at right. Goessel is 40 miles North of Wichita, Kansas, Kansas Highway 15. [Photo by Simon W. Schmidt]. Courtesy of Ben Boese, Mound
Historical Complex - Wheat Palace, extreme left; the 200 ft. by 18 ft. Immigrant House, center and the Preparatory School at right. Goessel is 40 miles North of Wichita, Kansas, Kansas Highway 15. [Photo by Simon W. Schmidt]. Courtesy of Ben Boese, Mound
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Close-up of Wheat Palace. Thresher stone design not quite complete. [Photo by Simon W. Schmidt] Courtesy of Ben Boese, Moundridge, Kansas 67107
Close-up of Wheat Palace. Thresher stone design not quite complete. [Photo by Simon W. Schmidt] Courtesy of Ben Boese, Moundridge, Kansas 67107

Moundridge, Kansas 67107

The wheat centennial year is fast coming to an end. It has been
an eventful year with a number of centennial activities in the
area. This report will be focused on two activities the Goessel
Centennial celebration August 16 and 17 and the participation in
the ‘Country Days’ festivities in the spacious Crown Center

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