2075 Coburn Road, Hastings, Michigan 49058
This 20 HP Advance Rumely, #15329, is owned by Larry Mix, 2075
Coburn Road, Hastings, Michigan 49058. It’s shown here being
driven by Jeremiah Eyrich of Hoopeston, Illinois, on the weight
transfer sled at the Michigan Steam Engine and Thresher’s Club
show in July 1996. Turn to page 3 for ‘Wild and Crazy in
steam-up this engine took part in.
Larry Mix’s 20 HP Advance Rumely engine #15329 on
Bernie’s sawmill. Right to left, Steve Ott, Bernie Woodmansee,
John Schrock, Frank Rupert, Jim Schrock, and unknown.
Jack Woodmansee’s 16 HP Nichols and Shepard on Bernie’s
sawmill in October 1996. Right to left, Tim Somerville, Charlie
Smalley, and Scott Somerville.
What happens when two west Michigan wild and crazy men get
together and decide to have a ‘Steam Up’? What you end up
with is a ‘Weekend at Bernie’s.’ Bernie Woodman see and
my dad, Larry Mix, teamed up to put together a little steam up for
their friends and neighbors.
It was a beautiful October Saturday in Hastings, Michigan, with
the temperature in the 60s and the sun shining.
We had two steam engines fired up. Bernie’s son Jack had his
16 HP Nichols and Shepard, and my dad had his 20 HP Advance Rumely.
They both took turns on Bernie’s sawmill.
Bernie had built a new sawmill and wanted to try it out. The
mill had a few ‘bugs’ in it, which we tried to iron out,
and after a couple pair of vise grips, some baling wire, and a roll
or two of duct tape, we were back making sawdust.
We started out with Jack’s 16 HP Nichols and Shepard, which
did a fine job on the mill. Later my dad put his 20 HP Advance
Rumely on the mill and it also worked great.
We also buzzed up some slap wood with Bernie’s Oliver
tractor. Bernie demonstrated his other sawmill with a Cummins
Diesel engine on it.
All in all, we had a fair sized crowd at lunchtime and Bernie
brought out some bologna, crackers, cheese, beer and pop to the
enjoyment of everyone. We had a fairly good tailgate party with a
lot of stories told by all.
The people who were there were: Charlie and Denny Smalley, Tim
and Scott Somerville, Coe Emens, Bud Code, Steve Ott, John and Jim
Schrock, Frank Rupert, Norm Stevens, David Wachter, Joe and Josh
Mix, Jack Woodmansee, Big Fred, and a host of other friends and
At the end of the day, David Wachter and my dad drove the
Advance Rumely back home about three and a half miles. They got a
lot of attention from people traveling the roads. Fun was had by
young and old.