Torque Power, Live Steam Models, Hyattstown, Box 144-D, R. F.
D., Ijamsville, Maryland 21 154
Hi There Young Engineers:
This past Spring I attended the pre-show get together of the
Shenandoah Valley Steam and Gas Engine Association in Berryville,
Virginia. There were no engines in operation, just a picnic lunch
When it was over I drove to Paul Giles’ new farm located in
Bunker Hill, West Virginia. The main attraction of Paul’s new
farm is the twin water steel mill which came with the farm. The
mill commonly known as the Bunker hill Mill had been in operation
from the late 1700s until 1964. Paul took me for a tour through the
mill which revealed some of the most fascinating machinery I have
ever seen. The complete history of the mill has not yet been
compiled but, when it is, I will have an article on it.
When the Berryville, Virginia show time came I was ill and
unable to attend. But from the reports I have gotten the show went
very well. The Berryville show is one that I highly recommend you
attend, come next show time.
I was able to attend the Eastern Shore Threshermen and
Collectors Association, held near Federalsburg, Maryland. The
Eastern Shore boys had really been working hard to make this show
bigger and better than ever. They had constructed a new building
for the sawmill and a large food stand.
I put on my Foundry demonstration, but it was so hot, I could
not accomplish very much as my moulding sand kept drying out. Not
long after I arrived, I met my friend John Ellingsen, Jr. who took
me for a ride in his Doonbuggy built on a V W chassis. John also
had a nice display of steam and gas engines. There I also met
George Godfrey, Jr. age 14, who had recently restored 40-62 Huber
gas tractor. George K. Neal, 17 years old, engineer in charge of
operating a 16-50 twin cylinder Nichols-Shepard engine. Lary Doffin
15 years old operating a Ottawa log saw which he had restored. I
spent three days at the show and thoroughly enjoyed it. I like to
think of this show as my home show even though it is over 100 miles
from where I live, but the trip is well worth it.
Well, this is all for right now.