Rescue Party Saves 22 Caterpillar

By Clell G. Ballard
Published on January 17, 2011
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This ex-World War II armored vehicle transported us to the long dormant tractor’s location.
This ex-World War II armored vehicle transported us to the long dormant tractor’s location.
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The little Caterpillar isn’t pretty but it is 100 percent complete and runs well.
The little Caterpillar isn’t pretty but it is 100 percent complete and runs well.
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The 22 gas Cat moved right along even though only one steering clutch worked.
The 22 gas Cat moved right along even though only one steering clutch worked.
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With the tractor loaded we are ready for the trip home.
With the tractor loaded we are ready for the trip home.
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Everyone participated in bringing the little Cat back to life.
Everyone participated in bringing the little Cat back to life.
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It takes a lot of work to get a crawler “broken in two” like this to make driveline repairs.
It takes a lot of work to get a crawler “broken in two” like this to make driveline repairs.
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The cast iron radiator shell clearly indicates the tractor model.
The cast iron radiator shell clearly indicates the tractor model.

When a new member arrives in your family, everything changes. A wise older gentleman told me that one child really didn’t make much of a change in a couple’s lifestyle. The second child, however, made major changes. The most obvious one being that finding someone to look after “children,” as opposed to one child, was much more difficult. According to the sage, the third child – and any thereafter – made the family a unit that no longer was a collection of individuals. From then on it was known as a single entity.

The above sociological observation might be applied to the addition of a new collector vehicle to a person’s stable. We all know individuals who own one prized automotive object. Their lives pretty much go along without much change from before. A second old motorized vehicle makes a big change and each additional one molds the owner into a member of a subculture that is unique. Rarely is he still referred to by his occupation. From then on, he is described as being part of the old car world, old tractor world or other specific category of collectors.

We won’t discuss how new children arrive in a family, but one of the most common ways in which a new vehicle arrives to join others somewhat like it is the grapevine that spreads the word of an individual’s interest in old machinery. Before you know it, an appealing old object comes into view. How can it be ignored? You just about have to take it in and care for it.           

Taking in a Cat 22

For my brother and me, one example of that was the late 1930s 22 Caterpillar gasoline tractor that was offered to us out of the blue. One day, word arrived that a retired farmer had such a tractor that was available if we wanted it. It was understood that no money needed to change hands. Disposing of other farm equipment, the owner just wanted someone with the reputation of being interested in old vehicles to take the 22 Caterpillar and value it. It had been last used in the 1960s and was running at the time but, as the farmer seemed to remember, it had some mechanical problem that would need to be addressed to make it 100 percent.

We didn’t procrastinate. Within a few weeks we organized a retrieval party to save the old tractor. The group included my brother and me along with three of my sons who were old enough to be interested and capable of helping if there was anything we two adults couldn’t do.

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