2016 Eastern Nebraska Tractor Ride

Reader Contribution by Press Release
Published on April 12, 2016
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Photo courtesy Nikki Hagedorn.

When the Washington County Fair Board members discovered that KTIC Radio would no longer be hosting the Great Nebraska Tractor Ride, they knew they couldn’t let the summer event just go away. KTIC’s tractor ride had been an annual event for over a decade, traveling a different route every year. After asking a few questions and having several discussions, it was decided that the fairgrounds in Arlington would be the new “home base” for the popular ride.

“We have almost the perfect set up here to host this event,” says Washington County Fair Board President, Gary Lambrecht. “Plenty of ample parking, an onsite unloading dock, an air-conditioned building for check-in and meals and we’re a just a few miles from hotel facilities in Fremont or Blair. So many guys in our area had attended the ride in the past and we couldn’t let something that embraces agricultural heritage like this just go away. After tossing around a few names we settled on the Eastern Nebraska Tractor Ride. We are excited to keep the tractor ride going, while being able to raise funds to help improve our facilities.”

The tractor ride is a lineup of over 150 antique tractors that will travel rural areas in Washington and Burt Counties. This year’s route will start in Arlington, then onto Fontanelle, Herman, Blair and back to Arlington. Friday, June 10, there will be a welcome meal for riders in the evening. Saturday, the 11th, tractors will take their trip at approximately 13 miles per hour.

“We’ve made a few changes to the ride, like shortening the ride from two days down to one, but we hope to put on a ride that was comparable to the Tractor Ride that so many riders attended year after year. We are excited to keep the tractor ride going, while being able to raise funds to help improve our facilities,” Lambrecht said.

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